​Hi Hedrick. 
Jus a quick one. If i want to restore a full backup IPA in a different host (just for test purpose) can I change the IP address but have the same hostname/FQDN? 


On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 5:54 PM <hedrick@rutgers.edu> wrote:
There is actually documentation supporting my view: https://www.freeipa.org/page/Backup_and_Restore Look particularly at the section "Why snapshot and not backup and restore scripts?"

The difference is that they suggest stopping a replica before making a snapshot, while we snapshot a running system. I’ve done this with a variety of databases and other applications. My claim is that a point in time snapshot should be safe for any software that is designed to survive a crash, because a point in time snapshot is no harder to recover from than a crash. We have multiple snapshots, in case we can’t use one of them. But I’ve never seen that happen. 

We always run complex software systems such a ipa in a VM.

On Jun 23, 2018, at 11:28:37 AM, Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Charles. Out IPA is a VM too on Openstack but for some reasons they said it's not good to take snapshots and rely on that for backups... I ll investigate further tho... cause my idea was exactly that. Snapshots!!!!

Thanks for sharing.

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 4:34 PM Charles Hedrick <hedrick@cs.rutgers.edu> wrote:
Our IPA servers are VMs. We do backups of snapshots, either through VMware or when the image is on a Netapp, through a Netapp snapshot. That guarantees that you have all the pieces in a consistent state. I’ve never had to restore a production server, but I have started copies of one of the backups to do experiments that I didn’t want to do on a production system. I’ve never had an issue starting from a backup, though I need to do some changes so the system thinks it has the same hostname as the original one.

On Jun 11, 2018, at 9:10 AM, Alfredo De Luca via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:

Hi all. 
What's the best procedure/practice  to periodically perform a backup on a single freeipa server with CA? 



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