
My team runs at least 10 distinct IDM farms (realms), and our largest has 20 idm replicas all over the world.   All are RHEL7 (and RHEL6 when it was a thing), half use AD trusts, and the others are self-contained.   After many years and far more replica re-inits than I care to remember, we have found the following points worth considering.  


Without knowing your network, it is hard to say, but let’s imagine you’re in AWS.   You might put 4-node replication clusters in US-East, US-West, a couple clusters in EU, a couple clusters in APAC, etc etc.   Set up your replication agreements such that APAC can get it from US and EU, US from APAC and EU, and EU from APAC and US.   Then point each client site to the nearest IDM replicas (hint: DNS SRV records).     See Figure 3.2 on the RH URL you shared.


What you don’t want is a user in one very remote location changing their password, and another system registering as a new client on the other side of the world, and the only way for every IDM server to replicate is to take 10 slow hops to get to the other.    As a matter of perspective:  In our 20-node far-flung (less-than-ideal topology) IDM farm, if we mass delete host entries, we do 100 at a time and wait 5 minutes before doing another 100 to let the deletion wave traverse the entire farm.


Cautionary Tale for you and anybody else reading this:    This “happened to a friend” 😉 several years ago, and we learned many lessons from it…  Imagine you have an autoscaling group in AWS or whatever-cloud, and there’s an automated process to register the client to IDM.  Now, imagine there is something flawed in the ASG instances which cause them to terminate immediately and spin up a new instance.  Demand calls for 100 new instances, and left over the weekend the ASG spins up (and terminates) 40,000 instances across multiple regions and zones.  That means 40,000 host-add’s swarming your IDM farm.   It will collapse, impacting every existing clients’ ability to login or do anything – don’t be “that guy”.


Sorry for the long post (and I hope if formats OK), but I truly hope it helps you and others.  The 60-replica model is probably based in a lab environment with nearly 0ms latency between all nodes.   But again, my experience is RHEL7.  RHEL8 seems to have some extra capability, and upstream IPA even more, so YMMV.


Best Regards,


| Pat Larkin | Texas USA   |

|  Manager | Linux Engineering |  http://go/linuximo |

|        +1.682.213.4281       |  http://go/LinuxOps |



From: Matthew Davis via FreeIPA-users <>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 4:53 PM
To: FreeIPA users list <>
Cc: Matthew Davis <>
Subject: [Freeipa-users] Replication topology size limitations?

I have over 60 geographical locations I was hoping to place a replica.  I will easily exceed the 60 replica limitation outlined in the documentation.  Can any elaborate on the 60 replica limitation?  Is this a hard limit?  What are the contributing factors for the existing limitation?

Each location will have far less than 2000 clients.  Are there any considerations that could accommodate a larger number of replica servers? 



Matthew Davis