Ideally, a command/script I can run on each host that outputs a list of users that can log in to that host.


I found this:   FreeIPA Issue #7199 [RFE] Central report that will show who can access which systems (attestation)

and followed it upstream to this BugZilla Bug 1492993 - [RFE] Central report that will show who can access which systems (attestation)

which says it is targeted for RHEL 8 !


Is there any way to do this in the meantime ?

I can get a list of users, but how do I get to the HBAC rules to filter them ?



Daniel E. White

NICS Linux Engineer
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
8800 Greenbelt Road
Building 14, Room E175
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: (301) 286-6919

Mobile: (240) 513-5290