Noto fonts are available with sources and fully libre CI build systems at and follow open source development methodology, although they use the format preferred by the font designer. Some use sfd, one even uses their own custom font code in python, but - as in the majority of the font development industry - the majority use glyphsapp. 

Google Fonts has invested significant resources into making the noto fonts as libre as practical given industry norms and preferences: Anyone CAN provide a patch to the source files via GitHub PR, and Google maintains the libre glyphsLib python package to convert .ufo to .glyphs, and almost every editor today supports UFO.

Google Fonts also sponsored development of the fontforge ufo import export support, as well as numerous modern libre font editors projects (trufont, mfek, fontra) that are all UFO based.

I would be happy to  directly connect anyone with the current noto maintainer, Simon Cozens, if they would like to discuss contribution, but all GitHub issues on all repos in the org go to him, so I encourage you to just post an issue :)

Simon will be especially interested in specific details about what makes packaging the Google fontmake/gfbuilder build systems difficult for Fedora to package :)