I understand that some of the information might be missing, but even this is
true, I think fontconfig should come up with a somewhat better default rendering
than what it is now. The solution might just be putting Uming/Ukai or wqy
fonts right before the Japanese "Mincho" or "Gothic" font series, simply because
Japanese fonts do not have a large Unicode coverage than Uming/wqy (but
Uming/wqy covers Japanese code points). For Japanese locales, we can
match lang=ja and put Mincho/Gothic fonts in front of the Chinese fonts.

To remind you my motivation for keep asking for a better default Chinese
rendering, attached is a screenshot of browsing a Chinese web page under
a fresh F8 installation (en-us of course), I doubt anyone would like to
read this on a regular basis.

On Nov 30, 2007 3:03 PM, Behdad Esfahbod < behdad@behdad.org> wrote:

This is because by default fontconfig doesn't come with a mind-reader.
You have to tell it which CJK language you want it to prefer.  You can
do that by any of:

 - Setting $LANG to zh_CN for example.

 - Making sure your HTML pages have the lang="zh-cn" tag.  No,
lang="zh" is not enough.

 - With recent Pango and a Pango-enabled firefox, you can set
$LANGUAGE=en_US,zh_CN, or set $PANGO_LANGUAGE=en_US,zh_CN.  It does the
right thing then.


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