Martin Robinson changed bug 37984
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Attachment #442519 Flags review? review-

Comment # 49 on bug 37984 from
Comment on attachment 442519 [details]

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This is great! Looks like the test is still failing on Mac and this should handle a failed call to hb_language_from_string, but this is a good start.

> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/harfbuzz/ComplexTextControllerHarfBuzz.cpp:548
> +    hb_language_t language = hb_language_from_string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(m_font.fontDescription().computedLocale().characters8()), -1);

I think it would be better to do this here:

hb_language_from_string(m_font.fontDescription().computedLocale().string().toUTF8().data()), -1);

This would allow you to avoid the reinterpret_cast.

It seems like this call should check for and handle (not set the language below) the situation where HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID is returned here.

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