Oh, thank you! This is going to be really useful.

On Sat, Jul 30, 2016, 07:13 Rafal Luzynski <digitalfreak@lingonborough.com> wrote:

For those using Google/Android technology, as a side product
of our efforts to prepare the maps for the Flock attendees,
here is an online map:


Feel free to use it in your devices. There are multiple layers
related with different kinds of interest (event, getting there,
hotel neighborhood), you should switch in on/off according to
your needs.

Cross-posting to speakers and attendees lists to make sure all
interested people get it.



14.07.2016 01:03 Rafal Luzynski <digitalfreak@lingonborough.com> wrote:
> [...]
> I've added the bus stops I found useful near the hotel (definitely
> these are not all bus stops around) and also the local small train
> station as it actually already fits in the map. They are all in the
> separate layer at the same location as before:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jaMfMOHsqFBuPtR65eKM9o52Mp4&usp=sharing
> [...]
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