On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Remy DeCausemaker <decause@redhat.com> wrote:
Is there a standard planning/organizing timeline somewhere? A Regular
meeting schedule? This is my first time being more than just a FLOCK
attendee, so please bear with me if these are obvious questions. Once
I've got a timeline and calendar, I can start coordinating a "ground
crew" here in the ROC to help. I've already been making FLOCKchester
save-the-date annoucements at meetups and hackathons in and out of

We're pretty much down to booking the evening events, which I usually hold off on signing for until we have an idea of how much we're trying to subsidize travel since I'd rather pay for people to come than people to party. CFP is open through April 12, at which point we'll get a better idea of that.