My first recommendation for a short trip would be to check with your existing carrier if they have an option for using your phone in other countries for a one month period. This may be cheaper than a prepaid option. I can't speak much for Poland but in Germany the lowest prices I've seen for prepaid with data are about 10€ for 200MB per month with flat SMS and calls costing per minute. I can only imagine Poland has comparable prices.

I have a fear that buying a prepaid option in an airport could have some kind of extra fees built in because they know they can get away with it there, but I'm not sure if mobile vendors do this. The advantage though is that you're probably going to find the most English-fluent vendors in the airport. This is just an assumption though. Does anyone else here possibly have some experience?

On 26/07/16 23:57, Ricky Elrod wrote:
Are there any decent options for places to buy a prepaid SIM card with
data in the area near the hotel? Is this something I should try to get
at the airport instead?


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