I'd you are going to see the falls close up I would bring safety glasses.  I took the Maid of the Mist years ago and was squinting.

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From:"Marcin Juszkiewicz" <mjuszkiewicz@redhat.com>
Date:Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:49 PM
Subject:Re: Interested in an unofficial day-trip to Niagara Falls?

W dniu 20.07.2015 o 18:03, Stephen Gallagher pisze:
> It includes options for several departure times that I would not be
> able to attend, but if interest is high enough we might arrange other
> cars.

I am departing from Rochester on Saturday to visit Niagara Falls, cross
border, stay there for a day (to see falls at day and at night) and then
go to Toronto, do some sight seeing and fly back to Europe.

Anyone with similar plans? (Niagara Falls Sat-Sun)
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