Great it works!
Thank you Eric
08.10.2018, 12:29, "Eric Garver" <>:

On Sat, Oct 06, 2018 at 06:14:22PM -0400, Igor Kapushkin wrote:

    I want to create new zone to allow only SSH connections from IP address
    range and DROP everything else.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <zone target="DROP">
      <service name="ssh"/>
      <source address="" />
    That IP range is fake, of course. In the real one, I use my IP range,
    which is real.
    I place that inside /etc/firewalld/zones/testing.xml and the zone gets
    listed after reload. The prblem is that ssh is still open for everyone. If
    I run nmap from a computer outside that range ("") it says
    "open" so firewalld is not blocking it.
    What am I doing wrong? Should I use "ACCEPT" instead of "DROP"?

It's because packets not from belong to a different zone
(likely the default/public zone) which also has SSH opened.

You can get the desired effect by changing the default zone to something
restrictive like the "block" zone. Then your custom "testing" zone will
handle SSH connections from

  # firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=block
  # firewall-cmd --reload

Be careful doing this remotely as you can easily block yourself out from
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