
We're looking to start making use of firewalld in oVirt. I've gathered a list of the missing services, and would like your take on which services should be provided by firewalld and which should be provided by the relevant 3rd parties.

ovirt-imageio (tcp/54322, PR: github.com/t-woerner/firewalld/pull/212/)
serial consoles (tcp/2223)
ovn host tunnels (udp/6081)
gluster swift (tcp/8080)
tcp/39543, tcp/55863 ("status") -- gluster ports
nlockmgr (udp/963, tcp/965)
ctdbd (tcp/4379)
nrpe (tcp/5666)

Some of the ports aren't standardized and their name only serves as an indication to their use in oVirt; we'd like to know how to treat those as well in your opinions.
