Hi folks,
I've made the mock ups and placed them on the fp.o wiki[1]. Please do have
a look. I'd like us to meet today at 1530UTC to discuss the mock-ups and
decided a plan of action please. I understand that we just had a meeting on
Tuesday, but I don't want to wait till next Tuesday to proceed with the
project. I'll be grateful if you could make it.
Meeting: 29 March 2012: 1530UTC. #fedora-tour on Freenode.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora-tour/Mock-ups
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"
Fedora tour developers team meet at 1530UTC on Tuesday March 20.
date -d 'Tue Mar 20 2012 1530 UTC'
The agenda is here[1]. It's a tiny one. Nevertheless, I'd request as
many people to be present as possible. We need to keep meeting regularly
to keep the project going.
I'd like to start a practice here: If you cannot make it to a meeting
for whatever reason, please do inform the list before hand, and do look
over the minutes and comment. (Rationale: If you miss out on a meeting,
and do not care to review the logs, important decisions may be made
without your vote.)
[1] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-tour/wiki/meeting-agenda
Ankur: "FranciscoD"
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Sindre Wetjen <sindre.w(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ankur,
> If you have looked at good html5 demoes, perhaps you should share some of
> the
> links to the list, so we can all se what you're talking about.
> Also, it is no suprise that the fancy bits on those pages relies on JS.
> They
> always have. HTML is, afterall, just a markup language ;)
Here you go. These are two that I looked at yesterday. I'm looking at the
HTML5 book now.
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"
Hi folks,
I was looking around for HTML5 last night and found quite a few of them
that are really OUT OF THIS WORLD. I also ran into a good book[1]
Before you get into the mock ups, I think it would be a good idea for
everyone to look at as many HTML5 demos as we can. This will give you an
idea of HTML5's capabilities, and therefore a better knowledge of what
can be done in the tour.
Google "HTML5 demos"
Sindre: HTML5 relies heavily on JS via the DOM, specially the canvas etc
parts (the good stuff ;)). Do have a look at the sources of these demos
where available, since you need to be sure the combiner can generate
them. (At a quick glance, I see that all the JS is not in-line, for
Suchakra and me had a quick conversation yesterday. He's begun working
on wireframe mock up templates and will mail the list with details on
what he wants us to make too. (Suchakra, please do this ASAP :P)
[1] http://diveintohtml5.info/
Ankur: "FranciscoD"
Thank you for a great, highly productive meeting! Please get down to
your assignments :)
== Next meeting ==
Tuesday March 20 1530 UTC
date -d 'Tue Mar 20 2012 1530 UTC'
Agenda[2]: Mock ups review(major)
== Important minutes ==
Action Items
* Subfusc combiner
* underscores (and Subfusc when he has the time) KDE
* FranciscoD suchakra GNOME3
* Subfusc help underscores in KDE
* suchakra fedora tour design lead
* praveenkumar kishan FranciscoD work on XFCE tour
* suchakra Subfusc FranciscoD praveenkumar kishan underscores Scout for
XFCE contributor
* FranciscoD update relevant wiki pages and post logs to lists
* AGREED: 6/6 First release of fedora tour concentrates on first time
and prospective users, *not* advanced users. (FranciscoD, 15:55:03)
* AGREED: 6/6 Concentrate on apps provided by LiveCDs by default, and
then proceed to other apps provided by DEs, followed by other "good
alternatives" in this order. (FranciscoD, 16:26:05)
* AGREED: 4/6 Concentrate on Gnome and KDE for the time being
(FranciscoD, 16:32:56)
* AGREED: 5/6 (1 didnt vote) Write a short XFCE tour to get it
started and scout for a LXDE contributor (FranciscoD, 16:38:30)
== Logs ==
They will always be present on the wiki logs page[1]
[1] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-tour/wiki/meeting-logs
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-tour/wiki/meeting-agenda
Ankur: "FranciscoD"