Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction! I'll check out CommOps, Mindshare, and the musicians SIG too!
On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 5:07 AM Ankur Sinha wrote:
Hi Allen
Lovely to meet you!
I guess CommOps and Mindshare may be worth looking into since they're in-charge of enabling the community. (They should be in the org chart that is linked to in the Welcome to Fedora tickets). There's also the Fedora musicians SIG if you'd like to get involved there. They maintian the Fedora Jam Lab:
Please do let us know here, or on the ticket, or on any other community channels if we can do anything at all to help :)
On Mon, Dec 02, 2024 11:31:26 -0500, Allen Smith via fedora-join wrote:
Howdy everybody,
My name is Allen. I'm a new contributor here and still sort of getting
I've been working with FOSS in one way or another since the late 1990s or so, initially as a passive consumer of all the things and eventually as
active participant, contributor, and occasional maintainer in various projects and communities. I've been working full-time in the open source realm for the last 10 years or so, primarily doing developer relations
My background is kind of split equally between motion picture production, tech leadership, and community organizing, so DevRel and that type of
seems to be a good niche for me in the FOSS world. If any folks are curious, I've got a small portfolio of my work published at
As for computing, I have two primary workstations I use daily. My laptop is running Fedora, and I've got an old Macbook that I use mostly for creative work like video/audio production, graphic design, etc. I also have a super old iMac running Linux Mint that I use for ham radio stuff
random background projects like digitizing old home videos and slide
When it comes to workflow tools, I use Git for mostly everything and am familiar (but quite rusty) with Subversion and other version control tools. I'm a bit of a polyglot when it comes to programming languages. Most of the development work I've done has historically been in Python
Ruby, but my work in DevRel has helped me gain some basic proficiency in
breadth of languages and frameworks (though not necessarily a deep level
expertise in any one of them). Lately, I find myself working more with
and have been tinkering around trying to build console-based children's games to learn Rust better.
In terms of communication platforms, I've mostly used Campfire and Slack for real-time chat in my day jobs. My preference tends to be for async collaboration via threaded discussion (e.g. GitHub issues/PRs, forums, etc.) I have some experience with moderation and administering forums,
it's not something I've done for any length of time. My experience participating in mailing lists is minimal, though I subscribe to quite a few to stay up to date on various projects and topics.
I'm still sorting out how much of a commitment I can make toward volunteering. My instinct is saying that a few hours a week might be a good starting point as I listen and learn my way around. I suspect I'd
able to commit to more over time though.
On the personal side of things, I'm a dad. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina in the US. I'm a lifelong musician, writer, and computer
nerd. I
like to tinker and work with my hands, so I tend to enjoy things like gardening, crocheting, and cooking. As I mentioned above, I'm also a ham (KO4ABW) if you're into that sort of thing too. :-)
Looking forward to learning more about folks and collaborating!
-- Allen Smith -- _______________________________________________ fedora-join mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to
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-- Thanks, Regards, Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | Time zone: Europe/London