-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora EPEL Update Notification FEDORA-EPEL-2021-564ea4b421 2021-10-27 02:41:25.807553 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name : python-pdfminer Product : Fedora EPEL 7 Version : 20160614 Release : 6.el7 URL : https://github.com/pdfminer/pdfminer.six Summary : Tool for extracting information from PDF documents Description :
Pdfminer.six is a community maintained fork of the original PDFMiner. It is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents. It focuses on getting and analyzing text data. Pdfminer.six extracts the text from a page directly from the sourcecode of the PDF. It can also be used to get the exact location, font or color of the text.
It is built in a modular way such that each component of pdfminer.six can be replaced easily. You can implement your own interpreter or rendering device that uses the power of pdfminer.six for other purposes than text analysis.
Check out the full documentation on Read the Docs (https://pdfminersix.readthedocs.io/).
��� Written entirely in Python. ��� Parse, analyze, and convert PDF documents. ��� PDF-1.7 specification support. (well, almost). ��� CJK languages and vertical writing scripts support. ��� Various font types (Type1, TrueType, Type3, and CID) support. ��� Support for extracting images (JPG, JBIG2, Bitmaps). ��� Support for various compressions (ASCIIHexDecode, ASCII85Decode, LZWDecode, FlateDecode, RunLengthDecode, CCITTFaxDecode) ��� Support for RC4 and AES encryption. ��� Support for AcroForm interactive form extraction. ��� Table of contents extraction. ��� Tagged contents extraction. ��� Automatic layout analysis.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
General packaging improvements: - Add a `-doc` subpackage - Add a Python 3.4 (python3_other) version - Add man pages for command-line tools - Build with `adobe-mappings-cmap` instead of `cmap-resources` - Improved summary/descriptions - Filter questionably-licensed sampled PDFs from source tarball - Correct License from ���MIT��� to ���MIT and Public Domain and APAFML and BSD��� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Oct 18 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley code@musicinmybrain.net - 20160614-6 - General packaging improvements - Add a -doc subpackage - Add a python3.4 (python3_other) version - Add man pages for command-line tools - Build with adobe-mappings-cmap instead of cmap-resources - Improved summary/descriptions - Filter questionably-licensed sampled PDFs from source tarball - Correct License from ���MIT��� to ���MIT and Public Domain and APAFML and BSD��� --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs. Use su -c 'yum update python-pdfminer' at the command line. For more information, refer to "YUM", available at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7%5C /html/System_Administrators_Guide/ch-yum.html
All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key. More details on the GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at https://fedoraproject.org/keys --------------------------------------------------------------------------------