-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora EPEL Update Notification FEDORA-EPEL-2018-b03143ed72 2018-05-31 13:05:21.965580 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name : python-ddt Product : Fedora EPEL 7 Version : 1.1.3 Release : 1.el7 URL : https://github.com/txels/ddt Summary : Python library to multiply test cases Description : DDT (Data-Driven Tests) allows you to multiply one test case by running it with different test data, and make it appear as multiple test cases. It is used in combination with other testing frameworks like unittest and nose.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- Latest upstream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1577683 - python-ddt-1.1.3 is available https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1577683 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs. Use su -c 'yum update python-ddt' at the command line. For more information, refer to "YUM", available at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/htm...
All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key. More details on the GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at https://fedoraproject.org/keys --------------------------------------------------------------------------------