The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing: Age URL 11 x11vnc-0.9.13-12.el7 11 privoxy-3.0.32-1.el7 8 zabbix40-4.0.29-1.el7 6 nagios-4.4.6-4.el7 3 cabextract-1.9-7.el7 3 python3-pillow-6.2.2-2.el7 1 chromium-89.0.4389.82-1.el7 1 upx-3.96-8.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
log4c-1.2.4-2.el7 python-shapely-1.5.17-1.el7
Details about builds:
================================================================================ log4c-1.2.4-2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-0afde3da1b) Library for logging application messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Patch to fix library reinitialization crash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Mar 13 2021 Franti��ek Dvo����k - 1.2.4-2 - Patch to fix library reinitialization (bug #1095366, #1901955) - Format patch (FTBS in F28) - Add explicitly some BR dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1901955 - Segment fault when call log4c_init twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-shapely-1.5.17-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-bcec5dfa28) Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to latest bugfix release in 1.5.x series. 1.5.17 (2016-08-31) ------------------- - Bug fix: eliminate memory leak in geom_factory() (#408). - Bug fix: remove mention of negative distances in parallel_offset and note that vertices of right hand offset lines are reversed (#284). 1.5.16 (2016-05-26) ------------------- - Bug fix: eliminate memory leak when unpickling geometry objects (#384, #385). - Bug fix: prevent crashes when attempting to pickle a prepared geometry, raising ``PicklingError`` instead (#386). - Packaging: extension modules in the OS X wheels uploaded to PyPI link only libgeos_c.dylib now (you can verify and compare to previous releases with ``otool -L shapely/vectorized/``). 1.5.15 (2016-03-29) ------------------- - Bug fix: use uintptr_t to store pointers instead of long in _geos.pxi, preventing an overflow error (#372, #373). Note that this bug fix was erroneously reported to have been made in 1.5.14, but was not. 1.5.14 (2016-03-27) ------------------- - Bug fix: use ``type()`` instead of ``isinstance()`` when evaluating geometry equality, preventing instances of base and derived classes from being mistaken for equals (#317). - Bug fix: ensure that empty geometries are created when constructors have no args (#332, #333). - Bug fix: support app "freezing" better on Windows by not relying on the ``__file__`` attribute (#342, #377). - Bug fix: ensure that empty polygons evaluate to be ``==`` (#355). - Bug fix: filter out empty geometries that can cause segfaults when creating and loading STRtrees (#345, #348). - Bug fix: no longer attempt to reuse GEOS DLLs already loaded by Rasterio or Fiona on OS X (#374, #375). 1.5.13 (2015-10-09) ------------------- - Restore setup and runtime discovery and loading of GEOS shared library to state at version 1.5.9 (#326). - On OS X we try to reuse any GEOS shared library that may have been loaded via import of Fiona or Rasterio in order to avoid a bug involving the GEOS AbstractSTRtree (#324, #327). 1.5.12 (2015-08-27) ------------------- - Remove configuration of root logger from (#312). - Skip test_fallbacks on Windows (#308). - Call setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") instead of resetlocale() on Windows when tearing down the locale test (#308). - Fix for Sphinx warnings (#309). - Addition of .cache, .idea, .pyd, .pdb to .gitignore (#310). 1.5.11 (2015-08-23) ------------------- - Remove packaging module requirement added in 1.5.10 (#305). Distutils can't parse versions using 'rc', but if we stick to 'a' and 'b' we will be fine. 1.5.10 (2015-08-22) ------------------- - Monkey patch affinity module by absolute reference (#299). - Raise TopologicalError in relate() instead of crashing (#294, #295, #303). 1.5.9 (2015-05-27) ------------------ - Fix for 64 bit speedups compatibility (#274). 1.5.8 (2015-04-29) ------------------ - Setup file encoding bug fix (#254). - Support for pyinstaller (#261). - Major prepared geometry operation fix for Windows (#268, #269). - Major fix for OS X binary wheel (#262). 1.5.7 (2015-03-16) ------------------ - Test and fix buggy error and notice handlers (#249). 1.5.6 (2015-02-02) ------------------ - Fix setup regression (#232, #234). - SVG representation improvements (#233, #237). 1.5.5 (2015-01-20) ------------------ - MANIFEST changes to restore _geox.pxi (#231). 1.5.4 (2015-01-19) ------------------ - Fixed OS X binary wheel library load path (#224). 1.5.3 (2015-01-12) ------------------ - Fixed ownership and potential memory leak in polygonize (#223). - Wider release of binary wheels for OS X. ---- Build HTML documentation and add a -doc subpackage. Properly install license file. Various packaging improvements, including the following (and others): * De-conditionalize Python 3 support * Switch to GitHub tarball * Do not use unversioned python * Use appropriate spec file macros * Ensure Cython C sources are always regenerated * Properly install _geos.pxi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Mar 12 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.5.17-1 - New upstream release; 1.5.17 is the last bugfix release in the 1.5.x series * Thu Mar 11 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.5.2-3 - De-conditionalize Python 3 support; this is now an EPEL7-only spec file - Add a _description macro rather than repeating the description - Build the Python 2 version as a subpackage, like the Python 3 version - Use the py_provides macro now that it is available - Update URLs - Switch to GitHub tarball - Do not use unversioned python - Use py?_build/py?_install and similar macros - Use python3_pkgversion macro - Improve BR���s - Filter compiled Python 3 extensions from Provides - Drop obsolete Group field - Ensure Cython C sources are always regenerated - Simplify file lists - Build HTML documentation and add a -doc subpackage - Properly install license file - Use python[23] -m unittest instead of deprecated python[23] test - Properly install _geos.pxi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------