Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 5: 213
NEW afpfs-ng-0.8.1-2.el5.1 : Apple Filing Protocol client NEW atlas-3.8.3-1.el5 : Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software augeas-0.5.0-2.el5 NEW auto-buildrequires-1.0-3.el5 : Work out BuildRequires for rpmbuild automatically NEW backup-manager-0.7.8-1.el5 : A command line backup tool for GNU/Linux beanstalkd-1.2-1.el5 bip-0.8.0-1.el5 NEW blahtexml-0.6-4.el5 : TeX / MathML converter cacti-0.8.7d-1.el5 NEW calendar-1.25-3.el5 : Reminder utility NEW cdk-5.0.20081105-1.el5 : Curses Development Kit NEW celt-0.5.1-2.el5 : An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication NEW cgit- : A fast webinterface for git NEW clips-6.24-27.el5 : CLIPS language for developing expert systems cobbler-1.6.2-1.el5 collectd-4.5.3-2.el5.1 collectl-3.2.1-1.el5 NEW couchdb-0.8.1-4.el5 : A document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API NEW dc3dd-6.12.3-1.el5 : Patched version of GNU dd for use in computer forensics NEW dia-0.95-8.el5 : Diagram drawing program NEW diffuse-0.2.15-5.el5 : Graphical tool for comparing and merging text files digikam-0.9.5-1.el5 NEW dissy-8-2.el5 : Graphical frontend to the objdump disassembler Django-1.0.2-2.el5 NEW django-authopenid-0.9.6-2.el5 : Django application to integrate Django authentication system with OpenID NEW django-contact-form-0.3-3.el5.hg97559a887345 : An extensible contact-form application for Django NEW django-evolution-0.0-0.el5.1.svnr164 : Schema evolution for Django NEW django-notification-0.1.2-2.el5 : User notification management for the Django web framework NEW django-pagination-1.0.5-3.el5 : Django pagination tools NEW django-tagging-0.3-1.el5.20080217svnr154 : A generic tagging application for Django projects NEW dnssec-conf-1.16-1.el5 : DNSSEC and DLV configuration and priming tool docbook2X-0.8.8-1.el5 drupal-5.16-1.el5 dtc-1.1.0-1.el5 NEW ETL-0.04.12-1.el5 : Extended Template Library eventlog-0.2.7-3.el5 facter-1.5.4-1.el5 fbterm-1.4-1.el5 NEW fcode-utils-1.0.2-3.el5 : Utilities for dealing with FCode fedora-packager-0.3.3-1.el5 NEW fetchlog-1.2-1.el5 : Utility to display new messages of a logfile since last run flashrom-0-0.17.20090311svn3984.el5 NEW fvwm-2.5.26-2.el5.2 : Highly configurable multiple virtual desktop window manager NEW gajim-0.12.1-1.el5.2 : Jabber client written in PyGTK garmindev-0-0.3.20090208svn1152.el5 gc-7.1-5.el5 GeoIP-1.4.6-1.el5 NEW globus-core-5.15-1.el5 : Globus Toolkit - Globus Core NEW globus-libtool-1.2-1.el5 : Globus Toolkit - Globus libtool package glpi-data-injection-1.4.0-1.el5 gnupg2-2.0.9-1.el5 NEW grid-packaging-tools-3.2-16.el5 : Grid Packaging Tools (GPT) gromacs-4.0.4-1.el5 gsm-1.0.12-4.el5 NEW hatools-2.00-1.el5 : Improved shell scripting in High Availability environment NEW heartbeat-2.1.4-6.el5 : Heartbeat subsystem for High-Availability Linux hercules-3.06-1.el5 NEW hosts3d-0.97-6.el5 : 3D real-time network visualiser NEW html2text-1.3.2a-5.el5 : HTML-to-text converter NEW htmldoc-1.8.27-7.el5 : Convert HTML source files into HTML, PostScript, or PDF iok-1.3.3-1.el5 NEW jabberd-2.2.5-1.el5 : OpenSource server implementation of the Jabber protocols koan-1.6.1-1.el5 koules-1.4-5.el5 NEW latex2rtf-1.9.19-7.el5 : LaTeX to RTF converter that handles equations, figures, and cross-references ldns-1.5.1-1.el5 libassuan-1.0.4-3.el5 NEW libgdither-0.6-1.el5 : Library for applying dithering to PCM audio sources libgee-0.1.5-1.el5 libkdcraw-0.1.8-1.el5 libksba-1.0.5-1.el5 NEW libyaml-0.1.2-3.el5 : YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C NEW libzdb-2.4-3.el5 : Small, fast, and easy to use database API maradns- NEW mcabber-0.9.9-1.el5 : Console Jabber instant messaging client mediawiki-1.14.0-45.el5 NEW mediawiki-wikicalendar-1.15-1.el5 : Simple calendar extension for mediawiki mercurial-1.2-2.el5.1 NEW mingw32-atk-1.25.2-5.el5 : MinGW Windows Atk library NEW mingw32-crossreport-6-1.el5 : Analysis tool to help cross-compilation to Windows NEW mingw32-expat-2.0.1-4.el5 : MinGW Windows port of expat XML parser library NEW mingw32-fontconfig-2.6.0-9.el5 : MinGW Windows Fontconfig library NEW mingw32-gnutls-2.6.4-3.el5 : MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library NEW mingw32-gtk-vnc-0.3.8-3.el5 : MinGW Windows port of VNC client GTK widget NEW mingw32-gtk2-2.15.0-3.el5.1 : MinGW Windows Gtk2 library NEW mingw32-jasper-1.900.1-8.el5 : MinGW Windows Jasper library NEW mingw32-libgcrypt-1.4.4-1.el5 : MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library NEW mingw32-liboil-0.3.16-1.el5 : Library of Optimized Inner Loops, CPU optimized functions mingw32-libpng-1.2.35-1.el5 NEW mingw32-nsis-2.43-3.el5 : Nullsoft Scriptable Install System NEW mingw32-nsiswrapper-3-3.el5 : Helper program for making NSIS Windows installers NEW mingw32-openssl-0.9.8j-2.el5 : MinGW port of the OpenSSL toolkit NEW mingw32-pango-1.23.0-3.el5 : MinGW Windows Pango library mingw32-w32api-3.12-8.el5 mingw32-zlib-1.2.3-12.el5 mirrormanager-1.2.9-1.el5 NEW MochiKit-1.4.2-2.el5 : A lightweight JavaScript library NEW mod_auth_pam-1.1.1-6.el5 : PAM authentication module for Apache mod_geoip-1.2.5-2.el5 mod_security-2.5.9-1.el5 NEW mon-1.2.0-3.el5 : General-purpose resource monitoring system monotone-0.42-5.el5 moodle-1.8.8-2.el5 NEW mpich2-1.0.8p1-2.el5 : An implementation of MPI munin-1.2.6-4.el5 nagios-2.12-5.el5 net6-1.3.5-1.el5 NEW netstat-nat-1.4.9-2.el5 : A tool that displays NAT connections nginx-0.6.35-2.el5 NEW ninvaders-0.1.1-2.el5 : Space Invaders clone written in ncurses for cli gaming NEW noip-2.1.9-3.el5 : A dynamic DNS update client perl-Algorithm-Annotate-0.10-6.el5 NEW perl-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8-2.el5 : Manage Unix crypt-style password file NEW perl-Class-Can-0.01-1.el5 : Inspect a class/method and say what it can do (and why) NEW perl-Class-Exporter-0.03-2.el5 : Export class methods as regular subroutines perl-Class-Inspector-1.17-1.el5 NEW perl-Crypt-DH-0.06-9.el5 : Perl module implementing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange system NEW perl-Data-Buffer-0.04-5.el5 : Read/write buffer class for perl NEW perl-Date-ICal-1.72-1.el5 : Perl extension for ICalendar date objects NEW perl-Date-Leapyear-1.71-2.el5 : Is a particular year a leap year? perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.54-1.el5 NEW perl-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.01-6.el5 : Create bubble-babble fingerprints NEW perl-Digest-MD2-2.03-9.el5 : Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm NEW perl-Encode-Detect-1.00-4.el5 : Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data perl-Heap-0.80-1.el5 NEW perl-HTML-DOMbo-3.10-1.el5 : Convert between XML::DOM and {XML/HTML}::Element trees NEW perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-0.952-1.el5 : Perl interface to Snowball stemmers NEW perl-Lingua-StopWords-0.09-2.el5 : Stop words for several languages perl-Math-FFT-1.28-1.el5 NEW perl-Math-GMP-2.05-2.el5 : High speed arbitrary size integer math NEW perl-Mon-0.11-1.el5 : Mon Perl module NEW perl-Net-Stomp-0.34-2.el5 : Stomp client module for Perl NEW perl-NOCpulse-CLAC-1.9.8-1.el5 : NOCpulse Command Line Application framework for Perl NEW perl-NOCpulse-Debug-1.23.15-1.el5 : Perl debug output package NEW perl-NOCpulse-Gritch-1.27.4-1.el5 : Perl throttled email notification for Spacewalk NEW perl-NOCpulse-Object-1.26.10-1.el5 : NOCpulse Object abstraction for Perl NEW perl-NOCpulse-SetID-1.6.9-1.el5 : Provides api for correctly changing user identity NEW perl-NOCpulse-Utils-1.14.11-1.el5 : NOCpulse utility packages perl-Test-Perl-Critic-1.01-1.el5 NEW perl-Test-Warn-0.11-2.el5 : Perl extension to test methods for warnings NEW perl-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24-1.el5 : Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields NEW perl-Tree-DAG_Node-1.06-5.el5 : Class for representing nodes in a tree perl-Verilog-3.120-1.el5 NEW perl-Verilog-Readmem-0.04-1.el5 : Parse Verilog $readmemh or $readmemb text file perl-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01-2.el5 NEW perl-XML-Generator-1.01-3.el5 : XML-Generator Perl module NEW perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader-0.04-3.el5 : Simple XML file reading based on their DTDs NEW php-pecl-imagick-2.2.1-3.el5 : Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library php-pecl-json-1.2.1-3.el5 postgresql-pgpool-II-2.2-1.el5.1 postgresql-pgpoolAdmin-2.2-1.el5 Pound-2.4.4-1.el5 puppet-0.24.8-1.el5.1 NEW pyfacebook-0.1-0.1.20090208svn173.el5.1 : Python wrapper for Facebook's API NEW pyfits-1.3-4.el5 : Python interface to FITS NEW pygrace-0.3-5.el5 : Python bindings for grace NEW PyQuante-1.6.3-1.el5 : Python Quantum Chemistry python-bugzilla-0.5-1.el5 python-configobj-4.4.0-2.el5 python-dns-1.6.0-2.el5 python-fedora- NEW python-hashlib-20081119-4.el5 : Secure hash and message digest algorithm library NEW python-kerberos-1.1-4.1.el5 : A high-level wrapper for Kerberos (GSSAPI) operations python-libgmail-0.1.8-2.el5 python-libgmail-docs-0.3-6.el5 python-louie-1.1-4.el5 NEW python-mwlib-0.9.10-5.el5 : MediaWiki conversion library for Python python-openoffice-0.1-0.2.20090228svn34.el5 python-paramiko-1.7.4-4.el5 NEW python-polib-0.4.0-1.el5.20080217svnr60 : A library to parse and manage gettext catalogs python-psycopg2-2.0.9-1.el5 NEW python-pygooglechart-0.2.1-3.el5 : A complete Python wrapper for the Google Chart API python-ruledispatch-0.5a0-0.8.svnr2306.el5 NEW python-shove-0.1.3-2.el5 : Common object storage frontend python-sqlobject-0.9.9-1.el5 NEW python-text_table-0.02-2.el5 : Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables python-turboflot-0.1.0-1.el5 python-turbojson-1.2.1-7.el5 NEW python-uuid-1.30-3.el5 : Python interface to RFC 4122 compliant UUID objects NEW python-xmpp-0.4.1-6.el5 : Python library for easy scripting with Jabber PyYAML-3.08-4.el5 NEW qd-2.3.7-5.el5 : Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic R-2.8.1-3.el5 R-car-1.2-2.el5 NEW R-qtl-1.10-2.el5 : Tools for analyzing QTL experiments R2spec-2.5.2-2.el5 remind-03.01.06-1.el5 revisor- NEW rhnlib-2.5.10-1.el5 : Python libraries for the RHN project NEW rhnpush-0.4.5-1.el5 : Package uploader for the Red Hat Network Satellite Server rkhunter-1.3.4-5.el5 roundcubemail-0.1.1-5.el5 rt3-3.6.7-4.el5 rtpproxy-1.2.0-1.el5 rubygem-actionpack-2.1.1-2.el5 NEW rubygem-simple-rss-1.1-4.el5 : A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby s3cmd-0.9.9-1.el5 smolt-1.2-3.el5 NEW smp_utils-0.94-2.el5 : Utilities for SAS management protocol (SMP) NEW sysbench-0.4.10-3.el5 : System performance benchmark NEW syslog-ng-2.1.4-1.el5 : Next-generation syslog server NEW tokyocabinet-1.4.9-1.el5 : A modern implementation of a DBM NEW touchcal-0.31-1.el5 : Calibration utility for touch screens trickle-1.07-7.el5 tryton-1.0.3-1.el5 trytond-1.0.3-1.el5 TurboGears-1.0.8-3.el5 NEW txt2man-1.5.5-1.el5 : Convert flat ASCII text to man page format unbound-1.2.0-4.el5 varnish-2.0.3-1.el5 NEW wordpress-mu-2.7-5.el5 : WordPress-MU multi-user blogging software xine-lib- NEW zeroinstall-injector-0.38-2.el5 : The Zero Install Injector (0launch)
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL testing/5: 15
beesu-2.3-1.el5 NEW clipsmm-0.0.7-1.el5 : Clipsmm is a C++ wrapper for the CLIPS C library cobbler-1.6.2-1.el5 halberd-0.2.3-1.el5 mpich2-1.0.8p1-2.el5 NEW NetworkManager-vpnc- : NetworkManager VPN plugin for vpnc NEW perl-KinoSearch-0.164-1.el5 : Search engine library perl-Net-Pcap-0.16-1.el5 perl-Nmap-Parser-1.19-1.el5 NEW sahana- : Sahana is a free open source disaster management application (!) sahana- : INVALID rebuild, not published! supybot-fedora-0.2.4-1.el5 supybot-fedora-0.2.5-1.el5 (!) supybot-fedora-0.2.5-1.el5 : INVALID rebuild, not published! transifex-0.5.2-1.el5
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 4: 89
augeas-0.4.2-1.el4 augeas-0.5.0-2.el4 cacti-0.8.7d-1.el4 NEW calendar-1.25-3.el4 : Reminder utility cobbler-1.6.1-1.el4 cobbler-1.6.2-1.el4 NEW dc3dd-6.12.3-1.el4 : Patched version of GNU dd for use in computer forensics NEW django-authopenid-0.9.6-2.el4 : Django application to integrate Django authentication system with OpenID drupal-5.16-1.el4 erlang-R11B-2.3.el4 eventlog-0.2.7-3.el4 facter-1.5.4-1.el4 NEW fcode-utils-1.0.2-3.el4 : Utilities for dealing with FCode flashrom-0-0.17.20090311svn3984.el4 GeoIP-1.4.6-1.el4 NEW globus-core-5.15-1.el4 : Globus Toolkit - Globus Core NEW globus-libtool-1.2-1.el4 : Globus Toolkit - Globus libtool package NEW grid-packaging-tools-3.2-16.el4 : Grid Packaging Tools (GPT) gromacs-4.0.4-1.el4 NEW gsm-1.0.12-4.el4 : Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor NEW html2text-1.3.2a-5.el4 : HTML-to-text converter NEW htmldoc-1.8.27-7.el4.1 : Convert HTML source files into HTML, PostScript, or PDF koan-1.6.1-1.el4 libmp4v2- NEW libyaml-0.1.2-3.el4 : YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C mercurial-1.2-2.el4.1 NEW MochiKit-1.4.2-2.el4 : A lightweight JavaScript library mod_geoip-1.2.5-2.el4 mod_security-2.5.9-1.el4 moodle-1.8.8-2.el4 munin-1.2.6-4.el4 net6-1.3.5-1.el4 NEW netstat-nat-1.4.9-2.el4 : A tool that displays NAT connections NEW ninvaders-0.1.1-2.el4 : Space Invaders clone written in ncurses for cli gaming NEW noip-2.1.9-3.el4 : A dynamic DNS update client obby-0.4.4-2.el4 pdns-2.9.22-3.el4 NEW perl-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8-2.el4 : Manage Unix crypt-style password file NEW perl-Crypt-DH-0.06-9.el4 : Perl module implementing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange system NEW perl-Data-Buffer-0.04-5.el4 : Read/write buffer class for perl NEW perl-Date-ICal-1.72-1.el4 : Perl extension for ICalendar date objects NEW perl-Date-Leapyear-1.71-2.el4 : Is a particular year a leap year? NEW perl-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.01-6.el4 : Create bubble-babble fingerprints NEW perl-Digest-MD2-2.03-9.el4 : Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm NEW perl-Encode-Detect-1.00-4.el4 : Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data perl-Filesys-Df-0.92-3.el4 perl-Math-FFT-1.28-1.el4 NEW perl-Math-GMP-2.05-1.el4 : High speed arbitrary size integer math NEW perl-NOCpulse-CLAC-1.9.8-1.el4 : NOCpulse Command Line Application framework for Perl NEW perl-NOCpulse-Debug-1.23.15-1.el4 : Perl debug output package NEW perl-NOCpulse-Gritch-1.27.4-1.el4 : Perl throttled email notification for Spacewalk NEW perl-NOCpulse-Object-1.26.10-1.el4 : NOCpulse Object abstraction for Perl NEW perl-NOCpulse-SetID-1.6.9-1.el4 : Provides api for correctly changing user identity NEW perl-NOCpulse-Utils-1.14.11-1.el4 : NOCpulse utility packages NEW perl-Sort-Versions-1.5-7.el4.1 : Perl module for sorting of revision-like numbers perl-String-CRC32-1.4-1.el4 perl-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.08-1.el4 NEW perl-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24-1.el4 : Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields perl-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01-4.el4 NEW perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader-0.04-3.el4 : Simple XML file reading based on their DTDs postgresql-pgpool-II-2.2-1.el4.1 puppet-0.24.8-1.el4.1 NEW python-dns-1.6.0-3.el4 : DNS toolkit for Python python-libgmail-0.1.8-4.el4 python-libgmail-docs-0.3-10.el4 python-louie-1.1-4.el4 NEW python-shove-0.1.3-2.el4 : Common object storage frontend NEW python-text_table-0.02-2.el4 : Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables NEW python-uuid-1.30-3.el4 : Python interface to RFC 4122 compliant UUID objects NEW python-xmpp-0.4.1-6.el4 : Python library for easy scripting with Jabber NEW PyYAML-3.08-4.el4 : YAML parser and emitter for Python R-2.8.1-3.el4 NEW R-qtl-1.10-2.el4 : Tools for analyzing QTL experiments R2spec-2.5.2-2.el4 remind-03.01.06-1.el4 NEW rhnlib-2.5.10-1.el4 : Python libraries for the RHN project NEW rhnpush-0.4.5-1.el4 : Package uploader for the Red Hat Network Satellite Server rkhunter-1.3.4-5.el4 NEW roundcubemail-0.1.1-4.el4 : Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client rpmlint-0.85-3.el4.1 rtpproxy-1.2.0-1.el4 NEW smp_utils-0.94-2.el4 : Utilities for SAS management protocol (SMP) NEW sysbench-0.4.10-3.el4 : System performance benchmark NEW syslog-ng-2.1.4-1.el4 : Next-generation syslog server NEW touchcal-0.31-1.el4 : Calibration utility for touch screens trickle-1.07-7.el4 NEW txt2man-1.5.5-1.el4 : Convert flat ASCII text to man page format varnish-2.0.3-1.el4 NEW vtun-3.0.1-5.el4 : Virtual tunnel over TCP/IP networks
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL testing/4: 7
augeas-0.5.0-2.el4 beesu-2.3-1.el4 cobbler-1.6.2-1.el4 halberd-0.2.3-1.el4 perl-Nmap-Parser-1.19-1.el4 sagator-1.1.1-4.el4 tcpick-0.2.1-16.el4
Changes in Fedora EPEL 5:
Changes in Fedora EPEL testing/5:
NetworkManager-vpnc- ------------------------------------ * Thu Apr 02 2009 Lubomir Rintel 1: - Work around EPEL buildsys bug by removing versioned BRs
* Thu Apr 02 2009 Lubomir Rintel 1: - Backport to EL-5
* Thu Mar 05 2009 Dan Williams 1: - Update to 0.7.1rc3
sahana- -------------------- * Wed Apr 01 2009 David Nalley - removed -executable predicate from find so it will build on EL-5 and F-9
* Tue Mar 31 2009 David Nalley - added BuildRequires dos2unix
* Sun Mar 29 2009 David Nalley - corrected semanage pre scripts to be conditional - pushed all output from symlinks to /dev/null since there is no silent option - moved post between clean and files - changed attr to 775 for conf dir and 664 for files so that the webinstall will work. - created symlink www/tmp to localstatedir to facilitate writing by apache - changed url to source to use macros for name and version
* Fri Mar 20 2009 David Nalley - Initial packaging
supybot-fedora-0.2.5-1.el5 -------------------------- * Wed Apr 01 2009 Jon Stanley - 0.2.5-1 - New upstream -.2.5
* Mon Mar 30 2009 Jon Stanley - 0.2.4-1 - New upstream 0.2.4
Changes in Fedora EPEL 4:
Changes in Fedora EPEL testing/4: