00:00 * | mmcgrath lurks 00:01 * | knurd at the keyboard now 00:01 * | stahnma is in the house 00:01 < stahnma> | and sounds less cool... for saying that 00:01 < knurd> | Meeting ping dgilmore, knurd, mmcgrath, nirik, stahnma, quaid and everyone interested in EPEL -- EPEL meeting in #fedora-meeting now! 00:01 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Sig meeting -- Meeting rules at http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/Schedule/MeetingGuidelines -- Init process 00:01 < knurd> | Hi everybody; who's around? 00:01 * | mmcgrath here 00:02 --> | jbowes (James Bowes) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:02 < knurd> | quaid mentioned he has a app't at the dentist 00:02 < stahnma> | I might have to cut out early 00:02 < stahnma> | again, i will wish for a new time 00:02 < knurd> | stahnma, might be a good idea to bring that up again 00:03 < knurd> | stahnma, but the problems remain the same 00:03 < stahnma> | ok, I will start on linst 00:03 < stahnma> | list 00:03 < knurd> | or shall we switch back to the weekends? 00:03 < stahnma> | yeah, really wednesdays are even worse for me than any other weekday 00:03 < knurd> | stahnma, we maybe should wait with it until we are seven again 00:03 * | Jeff_S here now.. 00:03 * | nirik is back... was getting coffee. 00:04 < stahnma> | knurd: that's fine 00:04 < knurd> | k, let's start slowly 00:04 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- repotags -- all 00:04 < knurd> | as I said on the list 00:04 < stahnma> | I propse we do whatever it takes to get past this issue and start working on something new 00:04 < knurd> | we are discussing in private now how to move on 00:05 < knurd> | stahnma, well, some people would like to get past this issue by continuing without repotags, while others want them 00:05 < nirik> | stahnma: +1 00:05 < knurd> | I could for the "want repotags" group these days 00:05 < knurd> | as that seems to be what the contributors want 00:06 < knurd> | even if it from a techincal statpoin is something where people have different opinions if they solve or create problems 00:06 * | nirik really has stopped caring. If we can find a easy way to add them now we can always drop them later. 00:06 --> | glezos (Dimitris Glezos) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:06 < knurd> | nirik, +1 00:06 < stahnma> | nirik: +1 00:06 < nirik> | they cause us problems because the issue never goes away. I hope that adding them will at least do that... 00:06 < knurd> | we just need to put in in words over the next few days somehow 00:06 < Jeff_S> | Yes, it may be nice to enable them for now and see what other "better" things we could do in the future... 00:06 < knurd> | Jeff_S, +1 00:06 < f13> | christ, how many times are you going to bring this up and how many times are we all going to say that we don't want them, please go away? 00:07 < nirik> | always and forever... 00:07 < f13> | are you just hoping to play meeting bingo and find the one time that enough people are absent so it'll pass? 00:07 < knurd> | f13, no, we are discussing it in private currently 00:07 < nirik> | so in that case can we move on in this meeting instead of talking about it again? 00:08 < knurd> | nirik, +1 00:08 < stahnma> | +1 00:08 < knurd> | I was just about to do that 00:08 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- EPEL mock configs in Fedora's mock package -- dglimore 00:08 < knurd> | has anybody proper and tested config files already? 00:08 < knurd> | I wrote some weeks ago and posted them to the list 00:08 < nirik> | I have some here I have been using... I could try cleaning them up and posting them... 00:08 < knurd> | nirik, that would be great! 00:08 < nirik> | f13: any news on a mock update? 00:08 < knurd> | nirik, thx 00:09 < f13> | soon woudl be good, need to do a mock update for Fedora 7. Clark is back from vacation so any moment now. 00:09 < knurd> | nirik, the ones I send should be in the archives 00:09 < Jeff_S> | knurd: I've been using my own local ones, but I'll make a note to test yours out and post to the list 00:09 < knurd> | Jeff_S, mine should work for x86_64 and i386 00:09 < nirik> | f13: it would be good to get valid epel4/5 in there... I can assist. 00:09 < knurd> | there is no ppc yet 00:09 < knurd> | and we need to fix the epel4 configs as well 00:09 < Jeff_S> | knurd: OK I can test both i386 and x86_64, so I will do that... 00:09 * | dgilmore is here 00:09 < f13> | nirik: just submit them in a bug against mock in Fedora Hosted Projects product in Bugzilla. 00:09 < knurd> | nirik and Jeff_S, could you work that out over the next few days? 00:10 < nirik> | f13: will do 00:10 < knurd> | hi dgilmore, 00:10 < Jeff_S> | knurd: yep 00:10 < knurd> | dgilmore, or did you look into the mock configs already? nirik and Jeff_S volunteered to take care of it 00:10 < dgilmore> | knurd: i have not had time 00:11 < dgilmore> | its on my list to get done this week 00:11 < knurd> | dgilmore, np; then let leave it for those two 00:11 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- comps.xml for EPEL -- ? 00:11 < dgilmore> | i want to talk with the CentOS guys as they had some issue with us pointing at them 00:11 < dgilmore> | we need to setup a comps.xml file for us 00:11 < stahnma> | I will volunteer to help with comps.xml,but I am noob at it 00:11 < dgilmore> | knurd: ill get one started 00:11 < nirik> | oh? bummer... it would be good to get it into mock sooner rather than later tho. 00:12 * | rdieter goes to lurk in the rablle seats... 00:12 < dgilmore> | nirik: yeah it was breifly mentioned to me 00:12 < knurd> | dgilmore, thx; I suppose it might be the easiest to just use the fe-6 one as a base? 00:12 < f13> | well. 00:12 < dgilmore> | knurd: that was my plan 00:12 < f13> | you may want to look at the comps used for CentOS 00:12 < f13> | for the base groupings 00:13 < f13> | then yeah, other comps files for the package content 00:13 * | knurd is no comps expert 00:13 < dgilmore> | f13: ill look at what they did 00:13 < knurd> | dgilmore, thx 00:13 * | knurd moves on 00:14 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- bodhi/testing repo/final repo layout -- nirik/lmacken 00:14 < knurd> | does anyone know if anything happends in this area? 00:14 < knurd> | this area or koji for EPEL? 00:14 < nirik> | well, it would be good to move epel to koji, then it can use bodhi. 00:14 < dgilmore> | knurd: for it to happen when need to move to koji 00:15 < dgilmore> | for that to happen i have some technical koji issues to resolve 00:15 < knurd> | someone wanted to look into it 00:15 < nirik> | yeah, like the rhel binary issue. 00:15 < knurd> | mbrown? 00:15 < knurd> | or what was the nick? 00:15 < dgilmore> | nirik: :) yeah 00:15 < dgilmore> | knurd: we cant dod it 00:15 < dgilmore> | do 00:15 < knurd> | dgilmore, yeah, I hear aboutthat in the last meeting 00:16 < nirik> | so, alternately perhaps we can get bodhi to talk to plague-server... 00:16 < dgilmore> | knurd: we have to be able to make koji hide the RHEL binaries so that they are not made publicly avaliable 00:16 < nirik> | lmacken: what is the possiblility of that if you are around? 00:16 < lmacken> | nirik: hi 00:16 * | lmacken reads backlog 00:16 < knurd> | dgilmore, as I said, someone wanted to make this work 00:16 < dgilmore> | nirik: some major recoding 00:16 < stahnma> | I thouht lmacken said talking to Plague was possible 00:16 < knurd> | dgilmore, it was discussed in the last meeting two weeks ago iirc 00:16 < dgilmore> | i missed that 00:16 < lmacken> | ah, I think so.. mmcgrath said he had something up his sleeve for talking with plague 00:16 < lmacken> | iirc 00:16 < knurd> | dgilmore, np, happens, that why I tell you :) 00:17 < knurd> | well, can somebody take this task on his plate and coordinate the different efforts and tasks? 00:17 < nirik> | yeah, so if it's easy/doable/possible to have bodhi talk to plague, that would be the better short term way to go. Otherwise we have to wait for koji. ;( 00:17 < dgilmore> | knurd: im going to be looking at koji for setting up secondary archs so i wont have time to do it 00:18 --> | llaumgui (LLaumgui) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:18 < lmacken> | well... 00:18 < lmacken> | after last week, bodhi is heavily tied into koji/mash 00:18 < dgilmore> | lmacken: thats what i thought 00:18 < lmacken> | i removed most of the old push-style code 00:18 * | nirik suspected, but thought asking couldn't hurt. 00:18 < dgilmore> | it would take some major rewriting to make it work with plague now 00:19 < lmacken> | mashing the repos and then trying to squeeze stuff into it (other than updateinfo), would be a serious pain. 00:19 < lmacken> | dgilmore: yeah 00:19 < knurd> | not worth the effort I'd say 00:19 < nirik> | ok, so we need to try and move koji forward. Who would be the one to deal with that? mbonnet ? 00:19 < lmacken> | koji is the way to go 00:19 < knurd> | so let's target koji for EPEL first 00:19 < knurd> | and then bodhi 00:19 < dgilmore> | nirik: i imagine its a low priority thing for mbonnet 00:19 < dgilmore> | though i have discussed it with him 00:20 < nirik> | yeah. 00:20 < knurd> | can somebody ask mbonnet for a status update 00:20 < knurd> | then we can evaluate how to move on 00:20 < dgilmore> | what we need is to be able to mark builds as private so they dont show up anywhere 00:20 --> | fab (Fabrice Bellet) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:20 < dgilmore> | its a fairly major undertaking 00:20 * | mmcgrath wonders if we'll get backlash for that. 00:21 < mmcgrath> | its not very open of us. 00:21 < nirik> | so should we consider building with centos then? 00:21 < stahnma> | I certainly don't like it 00:21 < knurd> | nirik, then we can't build for ppc 00:21 < dgilmore> | mmcgrath: its also useful for Security embargoed builds 00:21 < knurd> | dgilmore, +1 00:21 < Jeff_S> | dgilmore: don't we want all EPEL builds public, but only have the RH base+Updates private? 00:21 < mmcgrath> | dgilmore: ahh, thats true. 00:21 < dgilmore> | Jeff_S: yes thats what we need to do 00:21 < dgilmore> | EPEL will be free and open 00:21 < stahnma> | ++ 00:21 < knurd> | +1 00:22 < dgilmore> | We cant make the RHEL binaries free and publicly available 00:22 < Jeff_S> | dgilmore: sorry I misunderstood you before :) OK 00:22 < knurd> | dgilmore, can you talk to mbonnet about his short term plans and report the findings? 00:22 < dgilmore> | so its a nice feature for the buildsys but its very invasive 00:22 < knurd> | that would be the next step for now 00:23 < knurd> | he said two weeks ago that it wouldn't be that hard to realize 00:23 < dgilmore> | knurd: last i talked with him it was not even on the radar to be done 00:23 < dgilmore> | i will follow up with him 00:23 < knurd> | dgilmore, many thx 00:23 * | knurd will move on 00:24 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- vacant seat in the steering committee 00:24 < knurd> | I suppose we still want to solve the repotags stuff first? 00:24 < nirik> | has anyone expressed interest in the seat? 00:24 < stahnma> | I dunno, has anyone spoken up? 00:25 < Jeff_S> | I wrote knurd to let him know I was interested 00:25 --> | lancelan (Lance Davis) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:25 --> | lancelan (Lance Davis) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:25 --> | lancelan (Lance Davis) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:25 --> | lancelan (Lance Davis) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:25 < knurd> | well, there was some confusion; we have two volunteers, but one stepped back for now until the repotags issue is solved 00:25 < knurd> | and well, Jeff_S is the other one ;-) 00:25 < knurd> | let's solve the repotags issue first (over the next week), and solve this afterwards 00:26 < knurd> | Jeff_S, that okay for you? 00:26 < Jeff_S> | knurd: sure 00:26 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- finish the wiki docs and remove the warnings -- quaid 00:26 < knurd> | skipping, quaid not around 00:26 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- template for requesting a contributer to get 00:26 < knurd> | their packages into EPEL 00:26 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- template for requesting a contributer to get their packages into EPEL 00:26 < knurd> | stahnma, sorry, I did not look at this 00:27 < knurd> | but I think it's a good idea 00:27 < stahnma> | it's ok 00:27 < knurd> | shall we discuss it on the list in the next days? 00:27 < stahnma> | I just drafted something up 00:27 < stahnma> | sure 00:27 < knurd> | stahnma, k, thx 00:27 < stahnma> | I think a couple portions could be clearer 00:27 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- free discussions 00:27 < stahnma> | plz review 00:27 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- free discussion 00:27 < knurd> | stahnma, will do! 00:27 < knurd> | so, anything else to discuss? 00:27 < stahnma> | I saw that some packages were announced as built 00:28 < stahnma> | but didn't show up in a repo 00:28 < stahnma> | like trac 00:28 < stahnma> | is that normal? 00:28 < nirik> | which repo were you checking? might not have mirrored out yet? 00:28 < knurd> | it takes an hour until packagers hit the public servers 00:28 < knurd> | did you look right after the report was send? 00:28 < stahnma> | maybe I was too amitious 00:28 < stahnma> | not sure 00:29 < stahnma> | if I do yum list available today, I still don't see trac 00:29 < nirik> | Odd. I see it on my mirror at least. 00:29 < f13> | Trac was built days ago 00:30 < knurd> | I can see it on d.f.o 00:30 < stahnma> | hmm 00:30 < stahnma> | maybe my yum data is hosed 00:30 < knurd> | http://redhat.download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/i386/trac- 00:30 < stahnma> | yeah, that's it 00:30 < stahnma> | :( 00:30 < stahnma> | sorry 00:30 < knurd> | np, things happen :) 00:30 < knurd> | anything else? 00:31 < stahnma> | nope 00:31 * | nirik has nothing. 00:31 * | knurd will close the meeting in n 00:31 * | knurd will close the meeting in 30 00:32 * | knurd will close the meeting in 10 00:32 < knurd> | -- MARK -- Meeting end 00:32 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/FedoraMeetingChannel -- Meetings often get logged -- see schedule in the wiki for next meeting