The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:
Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.
Package (co)maintainers Status Change ================================================================ fpc orphan 4 weeks ago jansson orphan, jirka, jsmith, kanarip 11 weeks ago javasqlite orphan 15 weeks ago lazarus orphan 4 weeks ago mate-user-share orphan, raveit65 8 weeks ago python-paver orphan, lmacken, toshio 32 weeks ago python-pymtp orphan 6 weeks ago spambayes orphan 6 weeks ago
The following packages require above mentioned packages: Affected (co)maintainers jirka: jansson jsmith: jansson kanarip: jansson lmacken: python-paver raveit65: mate-user-share toshio: python-paver
Orphans (8): fpc jansson javasqlite lazarus mate-user-share python-paver python-pymtp spambayes
Orphans (dependend on) (0):
Orphans (epel7) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (0):
Orphans (epel7)(not depended on) (8): fpc jansson javasqlite lazarus mate-user-share python-paver python-pymtp spambayes
Orphans (epel7) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (6): jansson javasqlite mate-user-share python-paver python-pymtp spambayes
Not found in repo (epel7) (4): fpc jansson lazarus mate-user-share