
I've recently begun maintaining celery stack in Fedora and Fedora EPEL.

I am in process of enabling python 3 builds of celery for EPEL 7, testing copr (in working state with at least redis backend) is available here for anyone interested: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/frantisekz/celery_epel_py3/

I am also planning to update all parts of celery to the latest minor versions while I am making packaging changes. python-(vine, amqp, celery) are all fine with only tiny changes there, however, python-kombu is a little bit more complicated.

Current kombu version in EPEL 7 is borked [0] and removed by the upstream from pypi [1]. Long story short, they've accidentally released master branch as kombu-4.2.2 in the past and that bad release is part of EPEL 7. I can leave it as it is, or move to a proper, kombu 4.3 release.

From what I understand, 3rd party applications/scripts/whatever should be using celery and not kombu directly. Current celery version present  in EPEL 7 works just fine with kombu 4.3 [2], I did some testing and haven't hit any issues , it doesn't seem 3rd party applications using celery would break/need any changes for newer kombu.

What are your opinions about this?

[0] https://github.com/celery/kombu/issues/966
[1] https://github.com/celery/kombu/issues/974
[2] https://github.com/celery/celery/commit/1571d414461f01ae55be63a03e2adaa94dbcb15d


Best regards / S pozdravem,

František Zatloukal
Quality Engineer
Red Hat