Hi Felix,
First off, thank you for maintaining the EPEL7 nginx, especially when you no longer use it on EPEL7.

To me, it looks like you have addressed everything you should in the email, and there shouldn't be anything else you need to do.
That being said, I've missed things before so maybe give it a few days before you consider this a go-ahead.

Do you already have a build somewhere that people can test?


On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 8:07 PM Felix Kaechele <felix@kaechele.ca> wrote:
Hi there,

I think this has been discussed at committee meetings before: nginx's
procedure of immediately dropping a release series when a new one hits
the stable branches is essentially forcing us to upgrade along with it,
unless someone is willing to backport patches.

I personally am not willing to do backports as I do not use EL7 at this
point and only continue maintaining the package as a courtesy to the

I therefor intend to make the following changes to the nginx package in
- Update to 1.20.0
- build against OpenSSL 1.1 to enable TLS1.3 support

Do I require additional permission do move forward with this in this manner?
There should not be any breaking changes or incompatible changes to
config syntax. But I'll admit that I do not have complex config
scenarios as testcases.

EPEL8 is not affected as nginx doesn't have an EPEL build for EL8. It is
maintained upstream.
There are, however, modules with certain streams (1.18 and mainline, for
example) available from EPEL.

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