Thanks Stephen!

>  Look for the packages which are depended on the most by other packages and that is the real notable item that EPEL provides. 
Couldn't figure out how to do that, but it was enough for me to just eye-pick some notable looking packages.

2019年9月16日(月) 9:52 Stephen John Smoogen <>:
On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 12:16, Amil Khanzada <> wrote:
> Hi epel-devel,
> Was trying to compile a list of "notable" packages that are in EPEL but not the base CentOS repos. Any ideas?
> Could include funny packages like armadillo and chicken, but moreso looking for packages that are well-known/popular, e.g. CUnit, nginx.
> Perhaps there is a list of "most downloaded" EPEL packages? Although that could be misleading given that most downloads are automated.

There isn't  a list of "most downloaded" because yum/dnf do not give
any information on what is being requested and so looking at download
data gets swamped by dependencies being more requested than leaf
packages. Which may actually be the answer.. look for the packages
which are depended on the most by other packages and that is the real
notable item that EPEL provides.

> Best.
> Amil
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