Hi Michal,
Looking through the past emails on the list, it looks like the Cinnamon desktop people stopped maintaining it for epel, back around the time we were branching things for epel8.  I think more than being a co-maintainer, that you would be the epel maintainer.


On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 12:53 PM Michel Alexandre Salim <michel@michel-slm.name> wrote:
Hi Leigh and Pat,

(cc:ed epel-developers)

I maintain the EPEL8 branch of nextcloud-client, and it has a
subpackage, -nemo, that's currently uninstallable because Nemo is not
built in EPEL8:

I checked the dependency trees, and Nemo and all the packages needed to
built it (cinnamon-desktop and xapps) are actually already branched, but
never released for EPEL8. nemo also has a runtime dependency on

The latest version of xapps I can build is 1.6.10 from the F31 branch
(1.8 and above won't build), which limits the version of Nemo that
builds (I've just been trawling the spec history, so this might not be
100% accurate) to 4.6.5 from the F32 branch. cinnamon-desktop's Rawhide
branch rebuilds fine and I have not tried cinnamon-translations but I
suspect it will be fine too.

The question I have is... given all these packages are already branched,
presumably at some point there was a plan to bring Cinnamon to EPEL8.

- Is that no longer going to happen, and if so, why?
- Are there concerns about having an older version of Nemo available in
  EPEL8 (especially when it comes to potential security issues)?

I'm interested in file managers in general, and would not mind
co-maintaining these set of four packages just to check them out, but if
there are valid reasons why they are not available then I will just
disable nextcloud-client-nemo when building on EL8.


Michel Alexandre Salim
profile: https://keyoxide.org/michel@michel-slm.name
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