On Mar 13, 2014 10:57 PM, "Zhiwei Zhu" <z_zhu@wargaming.net> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for sharing this. It seems there is no straightforward solution for this kind of issue.
> It seems there is some kind of intersection between epel and pip. Take TurboGears for example. epel7 does provide the rpm of TurboGears but doesn’t guarantee it could be installed (epel5 didn’t have this issue, not sure for epel6). This is also applicable to TurboGears2 on epel7 which is supposed to be not old. Then I am not sure why we have TurboGears on epel7? I thought all the rpms on epel were supposed to be able to be installed, but I might be wrong.
> I have just installed TurboGears using pip (current TurboGears on pip is version 1.5.x). Probably  we consider migrate our project to TurboGears 1.5.x or even TurboGears2.

I maintain tg1 (the turbogears package) in epel6.  I'm very interested in not maintaining it for epel 7.  It's currently Been branched to the beta epel 7 repo because it's a dependency of python-fedora which is needed to get fedpkg working on epel 7.  Before epel 7 comes out of beta I need to figure out with the rest of the fedora infrastructure team what to do about that.  One option is that we'd drop the tg1 portions of python-fedora in our epel 7 package and remove tg1.  If we think we can migrate or code away from tg1 in a timely manner this is likely what I'll push for.

Someone else can, of course, pick up maintenance of the tg1 stack of they need it.
