Stephen John Smoogen <> wrote on 2015-09-08 04:48:09 PM:

> Normally you use 1-2 side repos where you put your packages.
> Repo 1: All the package for s390 f17 (for example)
> Repo 2: All the packages as they are built by your rebuild script.
> As the packages in repo 1 are usually lesser EVR than the f18/f19 you
> are wanting to rebuild you can usually meet the minimum for a circular
> dependency. If you want to really get fancy you can remove packages
> from Repo1 as they are rebuilt in Repo2 and then have a Repo3 which is
> the rebuild of the rebuilds.

We used RHEL 7.1 as our read-only "repo 1". Using a Fedora repo might
have helped us avoid some dependency issues... I hadn't thought of that.

Thanks for the suggestions.
