On 18 October 2013 12:32, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle@redhat.com> wrote:

Before long RHEL will ship selected client-side-only glusterfs RPMs and it will become necessary to withdraw glusterfs (and hekafs) packages from EPEL.

If you haven't followed along in fedora-devel, here's (what I think is) a fairly cogent, if terse, summary of what I'd like to do.

And FWIW, glusterfs in EPEL is past its sell-by date anyway. I.e. it's 3.2.7, and Fedora and the rest of the world are shipping 3.4.1, so even if RHEL wasn't going to force the issue, it should be withdrawn one way or another.

Questions? Concerns?

Personally I think the plan to have a README pointing to the newer locations to follow the  "Don't be crappy" model as best we can.
Stephen J Smoogen.