On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 7:09 PM Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
How big are the changes between 4.2.2 and 4.3?
So, I finally got back to this, sorry for the late reply. After reading through kombu 4.3 changelog [0], it seems the only truly breaking change is in SQLAlchemy transport ( I can be wrong, of course) which would require manual intervention in the database:

"Added an index to the Message table for the SQLAlchemy transport."

From what I understand, using SQLAlchemy for celery/kombu is pretty niche and documentation mentions and most applications around the world I was able to find are using different backends for celery (RabbitMQ, Redis).

The plan will be to leave the upgraded stack for a long time in testing, I was thinking about something like a month or two. I'll definitely send an announcement once the stack is in testing repo and then (week or two) before pushing it to epel stable.

[0] https://docs.celeryproject.org/projects/kombu/en/v4.3.0/changelog.html