> a.- Buttons

My one problem with buttons is that I don't understand why we are doing three sizes.  1", 2.25" and 3".  2.25" and 3" are almost the same in my book.  Is this truly an issue?

From a language perspective, I would rather have buttons that will be worn with pride than lost in confusion.  If you're saying that your country needs language specific buttons, let's look at the costs and if they are not too crazy, let's do them.  If you're saying you want both English and a local language (insert other combinations as needed) I am wondering how much we have a real problem versus just a perceived one.

I am not really sure where the desition to make 3 different sizes of buttons came from, the wiki was filled with 3 diferent buttons sizes when I look over it, I just follow this pattern, I supose it comes from the FAD in Peru, the only issue I saw was that do not make sence have the same desing in 3 diferrent sizes, this is why I asked for a review of the buttons desings, and now we have a small, fancy 1" button with the OK of desing team that work great for all the Fedora Project swag requeriments I think :) .

I think the key difference is the button usage:

Small Buttons are intended to be use in events like stickers as a litle gift to people that show real interest in Fedora, similar to cheat cubes, they do not cost much and in universities if you give a sticker to a student and then the student uses it in her backpack is great and they work well as part of a loyalty strategy in a region where each user counts if we want to achieve the critical mass of users to keep being relevant.

Mediun buttons are for users (I mean people already using Fedora that are our hopes of posible new contributors to the project), it is easy to know when a person is using Fedora when in a even this persons talk to you about how Fedora have improved the upgrade procces, or that he is missing some app that can be nice to have packaged in Fedora, any way it is always easy to know when do you find a Fedora user in a event, give a button to a user is a nice gift I think, even more if the button have a message aligned with core Fedora values.

Big buttoms are for contributors, like those buttons that you see in a market with a message saying "What can I help you" with this button will be easy to identify a Fedora Contributor in a big event.

I hope this help to justify with we are asking for 3 diferrent stickers sizes.

I agree that for next year we can drop the 3" button and have more 1" buttons, if we follow the contributors only approach with this desing we will have enougth big buttons for a couple of years :)