resending now that my subscription is fixed

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 10:15 AM, Brian (bex) Exelbierd <> wrote:

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 9:52 PM, William Moreno <> wrote:
Guys, reading this logs, about the shipping of the sawg, don´t you think that shipping per event only will increase the cost? I remember we have a delay of two weaks to get the artwork of the buttons for a ῀U$5. issue for having a version of a button in spanish and another in portuguese, but a per event shipment will increase cost a lot more tha U$5, and I supose will be more work for @bex

If we plan in advance we can ship easily per event without adding much work for me.

Also, while shipping may increase slightly (and I am working on controlling those), it is better to have swag delivered when needed than locked up in various "store houses" across LATAM, imho.

I'd appreciate if we would try it and if we don't like it change it.  We know how well the old system was working, let's try something new.

I know that FLISOL is coming and I hope those organizers will request their swag ASAP!




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Brian (bex) Exelbierd | |
Fedora Community Action & Impact Coordinator
@bexelbie |