This mailing list forwarded a piece of spam that was rejected by the mailers, so mailman decided to disable the subscription of every subscriber to this list. You got individual notices from mailman about it. If you didn't already go and re-enable your subscription already, you don't have to bother because I did it for you.
There was no real traffic overnight in that interim, so you don't need to bother looking in the archives for what you might have missed. If you do, you'll notice that the list is letting in a lot of spam and getting it archived.
I've filed a ticket with the fedora-infrastructure team about improving the list's spam filtering or coordinating it with the mailer better.
If the problem persists and the Fedora admins can't improve it in a general way, then I'll consider switching this list to restrict posting to subscribers. I like having it open to all posters without hassle, but too much spam defeats the purpose of a pleasantly-available list. Subscription is and will remain open, so if we have to "close" posting it will only be a small procedural hurdle, not any real constraint on folks joining discussions here.
Thanks, Roland