Από μια συζήτηση στην Ambassadors list σχετικά με τα FUDCON bids. Γίνεται αναφορά απ' τον Gerold και στην ελληνική ομάδα. Ίσως πρέπει να το σκεφτούμε σοβαρά κάποια στιγμή να οργανώσουμε ένα FUDCON ;)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gerold <gerold@lugd.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] [FUDCon EMEA bids]Re: FAmSco meeting 2012-03-21 minutes
To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org

> On 03/29/2012 02:12 AM, Joerg Simon wrote:
>> On 29.03.2012 10:40, Joerg Simon wrote:
>>> I do not know if this is a argument - but as far as i know this is the
>>> *first bid from France Paris* -
>>> *Budapest lost* the bid last year and *loosing again would be a odd
>>> statement* to the hungarian community.
>> inspired from a private reply i got, i want to clarify
>> In no way this should imply from the hard facts one bid is more or less
>> valuable as the other bid! Both invested time and efforts!!!
>> But if the hard facts are even - then maybe this information can help
>> all the best Joerg
> Yes, I agree that if all the facts are even, perhaps it could help, but
> what I don't want to see is people feeling discouraged from submitting a
> bid simply because there is another bid that had been submitted the
> previous year.  Or worse, being the first to submit a bid and then
> feeling as though it was wasted time because a previous proposal was
> renewed.

Hi everybody,
long, long, long, long time ago, we wanted our french friends to come
along with a bid for a FUDCON. It was in the time, when our FPL was named
Max and when we lived also in Europe ;-)
As one of the oldest (and not just in years) Ambassadors in the program, I
followed every year the bids and the "community" behind ...
We forced Joerg and also Zoltan last year to make a bid, the same way as
we try to push Pierros and the (at that time most strongest and highly
presented) greece team (at least at FOSDEM and in reports afais), to
prepare something ...

I'm really happy to see this year the first time, that our "pressure"
takes fruits in France and I'm also very happy to see the bid from Zoltan
(again). It was more or less also in our minds, that a FUDCON and the
hosting of a FUDCON is a very, very, very special "recognition award"
which is granted to a strong community in the Region who did a lot for the
progress of the whole project in generell.
I just have to remind the most international FAD this year in Brussels at
FOSDEM who like with a small majority to head this year to Budapest to
hold FUDCON at the hungarian team.
Just my five cents

ambassadors mailing list

Nikos Roussos