Κατά καιρούς ο Gerold μας λέει να το κάνουμε Αθήνα αλλά πάντα το αφήνουμε.

Μήπως να αρχίσουμε να το βλέπουμε από τώρα στα σοβαρά;

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Nikos Roussos <nikos@autoverse.net> wrote:
Ναι δεν νομίζω πως προλαβαίνουμε για φέτος και έχει ήδη 3 πολύ δυνατά bids.

2012/3/29 Pierros Papadeas <ppapadeas@gmail.com>
Σωστό :)

Αλλα πότε;
Μάλλον για του χρόνου το βλέπω..

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Nikos Roussos <nikos@autoverse.net> wrote:
> Από μια συζήτηση στην Ambassadors list σχετικά με τα FUDCON bids. Γίνεται
> αναφορά απ' τον Gerold και στην ελληνική ομάδα. Ίσως πρέπει να το σκεφτούμε
> σοβαρά κάποια στιγμή να οργανώσουμε ένα FUDCON ;)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gerold <gerold@lugd.org>
> Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 2:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] [FUDCon EMEA bids]Re: FAmSco meeting 2012-03-21
> minutes
> To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org
>> On 03/29/2012 02:12 AM, Joerg Simon wrote:
>>> On 29.03.2012 10:40, Joerg Simon wrote:
>>>> I do not know if this is a argument - but as far as i know this is the
>>>> *first bid from France Paris* -
>>>> *Budapest lost* the bid last year and *loosing again would be a odd
>>>> statement* to the hungarian community.
>>> inspired from a private reply i got, i want to clarify
>>> In no way this should imply from the hard facts one bid is more or less
>>> valuable as the other bid! Both invested time and efforts!!!
>>> But if the hard facts are even - then maybe this information can help
>>> all the best Joerg
>> Yes, I agree that if all the facts are even, perhaps it could help, but
>> what I don't want to see is people feeling discouraged from submitting a
>> bid simply because there is another bid that had been submitted the
>> previous year.  Or worse, being the first to submit a bid and then
>> feeling as though it was wasted time because a previous proposal was
>> renewed.
> Hi everybody,
> long, long, long, long time ago, we wanted our french friends to come
> along with a bid for a FUDCON. It was in the time, when our FPL was named
> Max and when we lived also in Europe ;-)
> As one of the oldest (and not just in years) Ambassadors in the program, I
> followed every year the bids and the "community" behind ...
> We forced Joerg and also Zoltan last year to make a bid, the same way as
> we try to push Pierros and the (at that time most strongest and highly
> presented) greece team (at least at FOSDEM and in reports afais), to
> prepare something ...
> I'm really happy to see this year the first time, that our "pressure"
> takes fruits in France and I'm also very happy to see the bid from Zoltan
> (again). It was more or less also in our minds, that a FUDCON and the
> hosting of a FUDCON is a very, very, very special "recognition award"
> which is granted to a strong community in the Region who did a lot for the
> progress of the whole project in generell.
> I just have to remind the most international FAD this year in Brussels at
> FOSDEM who like with a small majority to head this year to Budapest to
> hold FUDCON at the hungarian team.
> Just my five cents
> Gerold
> --
> ambassadors mailing list
> ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors
> --
> Nikos Roussos
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Pierros Papadeas
PGP key: 0x6130DBF8
liknus @ GRnet , Freenode

Nikos Roussos

el-users mailing list

Christos Bacharakis
cmpahar on Irc