Hello team!

Below you can find minutes from the last meeting, please go through that if you missed the meeting.

Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-11-04/dotnet.2016-11-04-12.59.html
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-11-04/dotnet.2016-11-04-12.59.txt
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-11-04/dotnet.2016-11-04-12.59.log.html

Best regards,

Radka Janeková

#fedora-meeting: Fedora DotNet (2016-11-04)

Meeting started by Rhea at 12:59:28 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (Rhea, 12:59:44)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:DotNet_2016-11-04
    (Rhea, 12:59:48)
  * (1) Roll Call  (Rhea, 12:59:52)
  * (2) Announcements  (Rhea, 12:59:55)
  * (3) Action items from our previous meeting  (Rhea, 12:59:59)
  * (4) Tickets  (Rhea, 13:00:02)
  * (7) Open Floor  (Rhea, 13:00:05)

* Roll Call  (Rhea, 13:00:09)
  * Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas  (Rhea, 13:00:30)
  * ACTION: dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the
    DotNet mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet ]
    (Rhea, 13:00:35)
  * Radka Janek; UTC+1; CommOps, Diversity, DotNet,...  (Rhea, 13:00:52)
  * Alberto Rodriguez; UTC-6;CommOps,Metrics,DotNet and more  (bt0,
  * Tim Orling; UTC-7; Python, Perl, DotNet, Modularity  (moto-timo,
  * Roddie Kieley; UTC-2.5; DotNet,TBD...  (rkieley, 13:03:18)
  * Patrick Creech; UTC-5; DotNet  (pcreech, 13:04:00)
  * Timotheus Pokorra; UTC+1; DotNet, Mono, OpenPetra, Kolab, etc
    (tpokorra, 13:04:17)

* Announcements  (Rhea, 13:05:41)
  * === "Announcing .NET Core 1.1 Preview 1" ===  (Rhea, 13:05:45)
  * LINK:
    (Rhea, 13:05:47)
  * DotNet Core 1.1 preview1 was released a week ago.  (Rhea, 13:05:52)
  * === ".NET Core Tooling" ===  (Rhea, 13:06:25)
  * LINK:
    (Rhea, 13:06:28)
  * The final release of .NET Core tools will provide a build and
    project system that are unified with the rest of .NET project types,
    moving away from the project.json infrastructure that was specific
    to .NET Core. While this means we need to move away from the
    straightforward JSON format for project files and embrace the XML
    format used in MSBuild, this change will bring significant benefits
    in  (Rhea, 13:06:35)

* Action items from our previous meeting  (Rhea, 13:09:29)
  * How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting
    for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next
    one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no
    status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward.  (Rhea,
  * === [COMPLETE] Establish basic structure and organization. ===
    (Rhea, 13:10:10)
  * Wiki page for the team was created, although it will require
    changes. Mailing list and the FAS group are in place as well,
    however this may change as well in the future (dotnet-devel would be
    created if necessary) We will be using Pagure for organization and
    GitHub for code - if any.  (Rhea, 13:10:11)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet   (Rhea, 13:10:17)
  * LINK:
    (Rhea, 13:10:22)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet   (Rhea, 13:10:25)
  * ACTION: Rhea Create a ticket about updating Fedora developer website
    with info about dotnet.  (Rhea, 13:15:37)
  * LINK: https://developer.fedoraproject.org/tech.html   (Rhea,
  * ACTION: Rhea Split the wiki page into wiki/dotnet which will contain
    info about dotnet in general, running it on Fedora, current
    limitations, known issues and workaround; and wiki/SIGs/dotnet with
    organization side of things  (Rhea, 13:17:28)
  * AGREED: Review the FAS group and mailing list once we get into
    packaging, possibly create new ones for devel/packagers.  (Rhea,
  * ACTION: Rhea Create another email about meeting time to make sure
    that people can attend.  (Rhea, 13:24:01)
  * LINK: http://de.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Murican
    (tpokorra, 13:25:37)

* Tickets  (Rhea, 13:27:47)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issues?tags=meeting   (Rhea,
  * === Ticket #1 ===  (Rhea, 13:27:56)
  * "Set-up meeting schedule" ===  (Rhea, 13:27:58)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/1   (Rhea, 13:28:00)
  * Minutes and agenda will be published, as you can see we are using
    the MeetBot.  (Rhea, 13:28:04)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:DotNet_2016-11-04
    (Rhea, 13:28:08)
  * LINK: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/SIGs/2016/11/4/#m4933
    (Rhea, 13:28:13)
  * ACTION: dotnet Import the meeting to your calendar.  (Rhea,

* Open Floor  (Rhea, 13:29:50)
  * What is our long-term goal?  (Rhea, 13:29:52)
  * AGREED: The final goal is to have dotnet packages in Fedora, these
    would include dotnet CLI, Visual Studio Code, etc...  (Rhea,
  * What should be our next steps?  (Rhea, 13:37:46)
  * LINK:
    (nmilosev, 13:53:47)
  * LINK:
    (pcreech, 13:56:57)
  * LINK:
    (nmilosev, 13:57:20)
  * ACTION: Rhea Create an issue in pageure to keep track of our libicu
    progress.  (Rhea, 14:07:51)
  * ACTION: dotnet Discuss dpendencies and modularit  (Rhea, 14:11:02)

Meeting ended at 14:11:18 UTC.

Action Items
* dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the DotNet
  mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet ]
* Rhea Create a ticket about updating Fedora developer website with info
  about dotnet.
* Rhea Split the wiki page into wiki/dotnet which will contain info
  about dotnet in general, running it on Fedora, current limitations,
  known issues and workaround; and wiki/SIGs/dotnet with organization
  side of things
* Rhea Create another email about meeting time to make sure that people
  can attend.
* dotnet Import the meeting to your calendar.
* Rhea Create an issue in pageure to keep track of our libicu progress.
* dotnet Discuss dpendencies and modularit

Action Items, by person
* dotnet
  * dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the DotNet
    mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet ]
  * Rhea Create a ticket about updating Fedora developer website with
    info about dotnet.
  * Rhea Split the wiki page into wiki/dotnet which will contain info
    about dotnet in general, running it on Fedora, current limitations,
    known issues and workaround; and wiki/SIGs/dotnet with organization
    side of things
  * dotnet Import the meeting to your calendar.
  * dotnet Discuss dpendencies and modularit
* Rhea
  * Rhea Create a ticket about updating Fedora developer website with
    info about dotnet.
  * Rhea Split the wiki page into wiki/dotnet which will contain info
    about dotnet in general, running it on Fedora, current limitations,
    known issues and workaround; and wiki/SIGs/dotnet with organization
    side of things
  * Rhea Create another email about meeting time to make sure that
    people can attend.
  * Rhea Create an issue in pageure to keep track of our libicu
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* Rhea (129)
* nmilosev (81)
* moto-timo (43)
* tpokorra (37)
* rkieley (26)
* bt0 (23)
* pcreech (21)
* zodbot (19)
* tanaka733_ (6)
* sgallagh (4)
* dmulford (2)
* dotnet (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot