If memory serves me correctly, and there's always a first time, someone looked into using OpenOffice to output DocBook. Doesn't this need a stylesheet or something? I thouht it may be time to revisit this.
Tommy Reynolds wrote:
If memory serves me correctly, and there's always a first time, someone looked into using OpenOffice to output DocBook. Doesn't this need a stylesheet or something? I thouht it may be time to revisit this.
DocBook export is a feature of 2.0. All you need is to install the and packages to enable it. I've not looked into the quality of the DocBook output it produces, but I'm sure we could come up with ways to clean it up or templates/guidelines to follow to get it producing what we need. I'm not sure if it can import DocBook, but I don't even know if we'd need it to. I suppose it is a similar situation to what we have with the wiki.
Patrick Barnes wrote:
Tommy Reynolds wrote:
If memory serves me correctly, and there's always a first time, someone looked into using OpenOffice to output DocBook. Doesn't this need a stylesheet or something? I thouht it may be time to revisit this.
DocBook export is a feature of 2.0. All you need is to install the and packages to enable it. I've not looked into the quality of the DocBook output it produces, but I'm sure we could come up with ways to clean it up or templates/guidelines to follow to get it producing what we need. I'm not sure if it can import DocBook, but I don't even know if we'd need it to. I suppose it is a similar situation to what we have with the wiki.
On a further note, since the OpenDocument format is XML, I would imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to find or produce a solution in XSLT to 'import' the DocBook back into
Patrick Barnes wrote:
On a further note, since the OpenDocument format is XML, I would imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to find or produce a solution in XSLT to 'import' the DocBook back into
Absolutely doable. The problem, as usual, is finding someone who has the time...
Cheers, Mark
Uttered Mark Johnson, spake thus:
On a further note, since the OpenDocument format is XML, I would imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to find or produce a solution in XSLT to 'import' the DocBook back into
Absolutely doable. The problem, as usual, is finding someone who has the time...
I finally went to Google for this. I turned up this link:
which seems to be an on-going project to support import and export of DocBook within the OpenOffice framework. Before I spend much time looking at this, has anyone here seen this before?