Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (zoglesby, 14:06:00)
* Follow up on last week's action items (zoglesby, 14:07:59)
* New Writers (zoglesby, 14:10:30)
* Release Notes Beats (zoglesby, 14:20:58) * ACTION: randomuser to publish updated release notes before Fedora 21 launch (zoglesby, 14:23:22) * randomuser's publican2 copr repo will not work without packaging more deps in the repo (zoglesby, 14:24:03)
* Publican/Publishing (zoglesby, 14:27:57)
* Guide Status (zoglesby, 14:30:35)
* Outstanding BZ Tickets (zoglesby, 14:36:23)
* Open floor discussion (zoglesby, 14:39:34)
Meeting ended at 14:46:10 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * randomuser to publish updated release notes before Fedora 21 launch
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * randomuser to publish updated release notes before Fedora 21 launch
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * zoglesby (46) * pbokoc (21) * smccann (5) * zodbot (4) * lubos_ (3) * pkovar (3) * sclark (2) * Sparks (1) * rkratky (1)
Minutes: Minutes (text): Log: