Has been a long time since the original thread, but i think deserved the proper reply.
El Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:05:34 +1000, Ruediger Landmann escribió:
As mentioned on the wiki page, you must only publish documentation when logged in with en_US as your locale. However, this has nothing to do with buggy links -- I think you're referring to a different bug with a different cause and different symptoms.[0]
I must say my abilities to track properly the cause of the bugs are very poor. This said, i've simply renamed the buggy filenames causing the software management guide published in Castilian was unreadable in the html navigable version, with git mv {buggyname} {name-expected-by-link}.
If you want to verify the problem on your own system, you could try:
I've actually tried with the publican version 2.5, so, i think this could be a task for updating the wiki (i'm requesting for comments).
- stay logged in with your Spanish locale * check out web.git, as
described on the "Publishing" wiki page * create a new, local git branch and change into it: "git branch temp" and "git checkout temp", for example
- build and install a book, as described on the "Publishing" wiki page *
browse to the public_html/index.html page, and look at the navigation menus in a few languages to see if they look broken.
Everything seemed ok to me in the languages i can recognize some words at least.
The Publican User's Guide[2] explains the mechanism from Publican's side, in particular, Chapter 6. Building a website with Publican.[3] And of course, please feel free to ask questions on the docs list, and also on the Publican list[4].
I'm sorry for commiting this task so late. But i've finally managed this and i wanted to say thanks for the time you've taken to teach me how to do the right things every time i asked for your help.
Cheers Rudi
Inspiration for commiting some tasks has come to me. I'll check bugs to see if there is anything i can help.
Now i'm really in! :)