Hi Brian, FAS document members.

As a Canadian with some time on his hands, I mentioned that I would proofread /edit text for grammar and typos.  That offer is still available.

I have found that for collaboration with the author, a markup tool is a great feature.  Such a tool is common to Fedora and other distros.
It is called LibreOffice writer.

As a markup tool, I can make corrections, add comments about the text sentence, paragraph or other, which the author can
a: Accept or b: reject, accept and update what I presented

Ditto for comments.  This method of passing a WIP document between author and editor is easier on both author and editor and is expedient.  When the author accepts all comments and markups, he submits same as his final.

What's in it for me, if my name does not appear?   a) self satisfaction  b) time away from the wife (grin) c: A proof reader learns alot about a topic.

My email address is shown below.  Want something done, send me a draft attachment to your email.


Leslie Satenstein
Montréal Québec, Canada

From: Brian (bex) Exelbierd <bexelbie@redhat.com>
To: docs@lists.fedoraproject.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 12:36 PM
Subject: The Docs FAS Group

This email has been BCC'ed to all 189 members of the FAS Group (minus a few known active people)

In today's docs meeting we were talking about merge permissions.  This email is going out to determine who in the group still wants to be active and help with reviewing PRs.

We'd like to hear back from you, ideally on list, or to me directly, by Wednesday April 25.  At that time we plan to clean up the list and barring objection, add some additional folks (separate email).

If it turns out you were away, let us know and we will happily re-add you.

We look forward to hearing from you.



Brian (bex) Exelbierd | bexelbie@redhat.com | bex@pobox.com
Fedora Community Action & Impact Coordinator
@bexelbie | http://www.winglemeyer.org
docs mailing list -- docs@lists.fedoraproject.org
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