
Our goal is to contribute updated and new generic documentation for making a remix, but we want to keep our project-specific documentation in our GitHub wiki; we want to know where to put the updated and new generic remix documentation.

The overall idea is to add what we found missing when working on TigerOS. This should help to make the process of making a remix easier. We are specifically interested in contributing things that we have developed for and discovered through TigerOS upstream to Fedora where useful.

I have included some notes from our team meeting below:

1. We plan to make a "drive-by contribution" to the upstream Fedora docs
- We want to make sure our project-specific documentation is accessible to our community (which at this time is located on GitHub)
2. We are interested in contributing documentation that applies to downstream Fedora remixes
- Builder infra, etc
3. This is a university and we have high turnover - we will not necessarily be able to maintain full documentation ourselves long-term

I hope this is helpful. Please let us know where the best place to put the generic remix documentation is and how to proceed.

Thank you.
Aidan Kahrs