On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Paul W. Frields <stickster@gmail.com> wrote:
Something I had failed to predict about mailing commits to the list is
there's no easy way to tell which commit is destined for which
repository. :-) Perhaps we should settle on another procedure.

So here's what I'd suggest, in cases where you're not authorized to
push your commits to a repository (and don't want to wait for access
to send your patch):

1. If there's a bug in Bugzilla for the problem, attach the commit
  there.  Note that attaching a patch is not the same as just pasting
  it into a comment field.  Use the 'Add an attachment' function
  instead to keep the bug easy to read.  (The 'git format-patch
  HEAD^' command will make a nice patch file for you to attach.)

2. Add the 'Patch' keyword to the bug, which indicates a patch is
  attached to fix the problem.

3. If there's no bug for the problem, file one and then go to step
  1. :-)

What do you guys think?

definitely.  It also makes it easier to know which ones have been finalized - since once the patch is moved to the source, the bug should be at least updated if not closed.

This way worked well for at least one that I worked on this weekend.


Susan Lauber, (RHCX, RHCA, RHCSS)
Lauber System Solutions, Inc.
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