On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 5:46 PM Fabrizio Pasqualin <giardia@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Update. In the meanwhile the nice post about quick-docs from @ankursinha on the communityblog inspired me (he said : you write new documents about topics that interest you. It could be anything, anything at all, that you think is worth documenting. Quite a few of us document various tools and techniques on our blogs—why not put these up on quick-docs if the are general enough to be of interest to a wider audience?) and i was also very curious about the new process of writing docs using antora and asciidoc, so i wrote a draft for the ‘kernel-test guide’ and the PR is here for you to review https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs/pull-request/128

I’d like to add some images in the future but for now let me know any suggestion about this guide; if can be published as quick-doc or has to be moved in a new QA doc repo or to a wiki page. Especially @sumantro let me know if i forgot something and feel free to contact me for any technical details to add, modify or improve.

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I will have a read in a couple of hours and I will be setting up a qa doc repo soon and I will keep you in loop while I am at it.