2013/8/27 Dimitris Glezos <glezos@transifex.com>
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Petr Bokoc <pbokoc@redhat.com> wrote:
> I understand that it might seem unusual and even counter-productive to split
> translation projects between two separate systems, with this guide being the
> only one being translated elsewhere. See this e-mail in the list archive
> from the guide's previous maintainer explaining the reasons behind the
> decision:
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/docs/2013-April/014951.html.

I feel the goalposts are being moved a lot on this. Sparks has created
a simple script -- not sure what issues still exist or what tweaks
need to happen to work perfectly with all Docs.

​Handling subdirectories, for instance?
​But Sparks' script is not using the tx client (walks a directory and writes a .tx/config file), and the logic should be (IMHO) in tx for that matter.​ I need to test out how tx behaves if given a file name containing relative subdirectories.

In any case, it'd be
great if all Docs translations could be on one platform (whichever).

> Your e-mail pointed out something that I feel should be addressed though.
> There seems to be some confusion at this point about the Transifex instance.
> Is there a way to somehow mark it as obsolete, make it read-only or just
> hide or even delete it? It doesn't seem like a good decision to keep the
> guide in Transifex and having unsuspecting translators possibly waste their
> time working on an obsolete project.

You can disable the acceptance of translations on the Resource Edit
page. You should simply delete its resources completely though. If
you're not maintaining them, no reason to have them there..
