Welcome :)
New contributors are encouraged to hang out in IRC where we coordinate activity and hold meetings about various parts of Fedora.
Some good channels to join on Freenode for onboarding generally include:
For writing and documentation, you should also join:
Tonight at 5pm ET there will be an editorial meeting for Fedora Magazine, which I know is always looking for authors and contributing writers. For details on that meeting and any others, you can check our various team calendars on Fedocal: http://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar
If you have questions, my nick is decause (though I'm travelling today and may not be able to respond immediately.)
Looking Forward,
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On 10/29/2015 03:59 AM, Ian Kelling wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2015, at 11:12 AM, ncfiedler@gnome.org
> <mailto:ncfiedler@gnome.org> wrote:
>> I would be grateful for a hint about what to do next.
> I'm no expert, but this page has a few links to various
> documentation you could dive into improving:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_contributor_expectations
> Also, to other people on this list:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Docs_Project funnels people
> here, where they see messages like the one I'm replying to with no
> reply. I think that discourages new contributors, and it's
> certainly not encouraging the person who posted it to the list.
> Does fedora want docs contributors? Either reply to new
> contributors or don't send them here.
Fedora Docs is a group of all volunteer writers, we all have jobs, and
families and many other responsibilities. Of course we want new
writers, but we don't always get back to introduction emails quickly,
and yes we do miss some of them.
Also, please feel free to reply to the introduction emails and welcome
others yourself. It is not a task that a specific person is
responsible for.
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