Hash: SHA1

On 04/20/2010 09:03 AM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 01:29:41AM -0400, Will Morris wrote:
> [...something encrypted...]
> Hi Will, you'll need to resend that either PGP signed only (not
> encrypted) or just plaintext if you want us to see it! :-)


My name is Will Morris. I am currently a Fedora Ambassador. I have
also worked on the Fedora Bug Triage SIG. I feel that my level of
computer knowledge is above average, but time will tell with that. As
for other skills I am very open to talking to any one that asks me
about Fedora, and trying to answer all their questions, so I feel that
my people skills are pretty good. I am in the process of teaching my
self to program in python, too.

I think that I am a good match for the docs SIG because I have used to
documentation many times in the past to help people with questions as
an Ambassador, and want to help to make the docs better so people can
find the answers to their questions, and not have to ask for help all
the time.

pub   1024D/8B2A6A4C 2010-04-20
      Key fingerprint = C63F C8F0 C0DC 4223 DD1B  4E9D ED77 4311 8B2A 6A4C
uid                  William Morris (ambassador) <snow.open.ski@gmail.com>
sub   2048g/334A2E71 2010-04-20

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
