
See the latest update [1] on this very list from November 19th. Unfortunately, it got zero response back then.

It mentions a set of scripts [2] that build the translated site — the README has a step-by-step guide.

I really want to help. However, translations are not my primary focus, I'm finding it hard to find a reasonable time block I could actually focus and do something useful with it. I'd definitely welcome other contributors to this effort, I'm happy to answer questions.


[1] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/docs@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/2TEVPU7SM6XZ7HG2F4XTLQA4DPSIZMTD/
[2] https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources/

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 8:14 AM Jean-Baptiste <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr> wrote:

we are close to have a working internationalization system for our docs,
thanks to the great job of Adam/asamalik.

Here is where we are now:

Unfortunately, it goes really slow and I feel like six month ago, the
progress was the same.

As it is open-source, it would probably benefit everyone to have some
help, and I'm willing to help too.

But as I never did it myself, and I assume nobody else than Adam ever
did it, I'm asking here in public to have an explanation on how to build
fedora-docs with i18n and publish it on our fedorapeople account or any
other place.

Hopefully, this will be less difficult that what I think, so I or other
contributor may help (from docs@, trans@ or i18n@).

I started a pad with everything I know:

Thanks a lot for your help!
Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
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Adam Šamalík
Software Engineer
Red Hat