Author: pfrields
Update of /cvs/docs/release-notes/FC-6/xmlbeats In directory
Added Files: README beatconvert beatlist files-map.txt steps-to-convert-FC6.txt steps-to-convert-v-1.txt to-do-fc5-errata-notes.txt to-do-fc5-gold-notes.txt wikixml2fdpxml xmlbeats xmlfix Log Message: Add FC-6 branch. This branch should be used for errata updates, not devel -- although syncing them is fine.
--- NEW FILE README --- Edit 'beatlist' to specify which wiki file names to convert to XML, then run './xmlbeats'.
--- NEW FILE beatconvert --- #!/usr/bin/python -tt # # (C) 2006 Paul W. Frields. # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.
import os import sys import urllib import httplib from getpass import getpass from time import sleep
"""Take a list of Beats from the official Fedora Project wiki, download them, and convert to DocBook using a properly outfitted MoinMoin wiki."""
### Globals myName = "beatconvert" debugging = True
beatSite = "" beatDir = "Docs/Beats/" beatUrl = beatSite + beatDir
convSite = "" convDir = "fedora-docs/Docs/Beats/" convUrl = convSite + convDir
beatFolder = 'Beats' waitTime = 15 ######
def print_usage(): print "Usage:", myName, "<infile>" print "\t<infile>: list of Beats, one per line"
if len(sys.argv) < 2: print_usage() sys.exit(1)
print "Using", beatUrl, "->", convUrl
try: beatFile = open(sys.argv[1], "r") except: print "Problem opening file", sys.argv[1] sys.exit(2)
beatList = [beat.rstrip('\n') for beat in beatFile.readlines()] beatFile.close()
beatData = {} for beat in beatList: inUrl = ''.join((beatUrl, beat)) outUrl = ''.join((convUrl, beat)) beatData[beat] = [inUrl, outUrl]
print "Loaded", len(beatList), "beat names"
loginName = raw_input('Enter your wiki login name on the DocBook Moin: ') password = getpass('Enter your password on the DocBook Moin: ')
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(convSite[7:][:-1]) # hack to remove http:// /
# if debugging: conn.debuglevel = 1 print "Logging in to target wiki..." conn.request('POST', '/fedora-docs', urllib.urlencode({'action': 'login', 'login': 'Login', 'name': loginName, 'password': password})) print 'Cookie monster want cookie!' resp = conn.getresponse()
try: cookie = resp.getheader('Set-Cookie') cookie = cookie[:cookie.find(';')] except: inp = raw_input("Couldn't get a cookie. You can proceed " + "anonymously, but results may not be\n" + "guaranteed. Continue? [y/N]") if inp not in ('y', 'Y'): sys.exit(0)
# Make a folder to put the DocBook in. try: os.mkdir(beatFolder) except OSError: beatFolder = raw_input("Couldn't make a directory 'Beats' in your " + "current location.\nSpecify a new one: ") if beatFolder is '': print "Quitting then." sys.exit(0) try: os.mkdir(beatFolder) except: print "Failed, bailing." sys.exit(5)
for beat, data in beatData.items(): print "Working on beat", beat inUrl = data[0] outUrl = data[1] data.append(''.join(urllib.urlopen(inUrl+'?action=raw').readlines())) print "Retrieved data for", beat savetext = data[2] submitStr = urllib.urlencode({'action': 'edit', 'editor': 'text', 'button_save': 'Save Changes', 'savetext': savetext})
print "Submitting beat", beat, "..." conn.request('POST', ''.join(('/', convDir, beat)), submitStr, {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent': 'beatconvert', 'Cookie': cookie}) resp = conn.getresponse()
# Make sure things worked OK so we don't lock ourselves out... if resp.status != 200: print "Submission failed. If this were a better script,", print "there would be a fallback here." sys.exit(6) print "Submitted", beat
# Get the goods! convStr = urllib.urlencode({'action': 'RenderAsDocbook'}) convUrl = data[1] print "Retrieving XML for", beat, "at", convUrl try: resp = ''.join(urllib.urlopen(''.join((convUrl, '?action=RenderAsDocbook'))).readlines()) except: print "Retrieval failed. If this were a better script,", print "there would be a fallback here." sys.exit(6)
print "Retrieved", beat outXml = open(os.path.join(beatFolder, beat.replace('/', '')), "w") outXml.write(resp) outXml.close() print "Wrote XML for", beat
print "Waiting for", waitTime, "seconds..." sleep(waitTime)
print "*** Finished! ***" print "Don't forget to rename and format the XML files with indenting."
--- NEW FILE beatlist --- Welcome OverView Feedback Installer ArchSpecific ArchSpecific/PPC ArchSpecific/x86 ArchSpecific/x86_64 PackageNotes Kernel Desktop FileSystems WebServers Devel Devel/Runtime Devel/Tools Devel/Tools/GCC Security Security/SELinux Java Multimedia Entertainment Virtualization Xorg DatabaseServers I18n BackwardsCompatibility PackageChanges Extras Legacy ProjectOverview Colophon
--- NEW FILE files-map.txt --- # map of how XML files in the release-notes module interact
RELEASE-NOTES-*.xml fdp-info-*.xml ../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-relnotes-*.xml Welcome-*.xml OverView-*.xml ../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-*.xml Feedback-*.xml Introduction-*.xml Installer-*.xml ArchSpecific-*.xml ArchSpecificPPC-*.xml ArchSpecificx86-*.xml ArchSpecificx86_64-*.xml Networking-*.xml PackageNotes-*.xml ServerTools-*.xml PackageNotesJava-*.xml Kernel-*.xml Security-*.xml SecuritySELinux-*.xml DevelopmentTools-*.xml DevelopmentToolsJava-*.xml DevelopmentToolsGCC-*.xml I18n-*.xml Printing-*.xml DatabaseServers-*.xml Multimedia-*.xml WebServers-*.xml Samba-*.xml Xorg-*.xml Entertainment-*.xml Legacy-*.xml PackageChanges-*.xml ProjectOverview-*.xml Colophon-*.xml
# Unused, but maybe we should use/
BackwardsCompatibility-*.xml Desktop-*.xml FileSystems-*.xml FileServers-*.xml SystemDaemons-*.xml
--- NEW FILE steps-to-convert-FC6.txt ---
0. Remove any existing "Beats" or "Fixed" folder in the local directory, and make sure the "beatlist" file contains all the beats you need to pull. Include the parents of any sub-beats!
1. Use beatconvert to pull the beats from the main wiki to the test wiki and convert to XML. **This will take several minutes because the test wiki disallows access if you hit it too often within a certain (unknown) span of time. Pay attention and Ctrl+\ to quit if needed!**
./beatconvert beatlist
The results are in the "Beats" folder.
2. Run xmlfix to get the section ID's and titles fixed.
./xmlfix Beats/
The results are in the "Fixed" folder.
3. Edit, copy to the relnotes devel/en_US folder, and commit. Don't forget to "make pot" also!
PWF, 2006-09-24
--- NEW FILE steps-to-convert-v-1.txt ---
1. Use xmlbeats to get the content local
2. Convert filenames that need it to match the WikiName GCC.xml => DevelopmentToolsGCC.xml ...
3. Run xmlformat on all the Beats cd release-notes/xmlbeats/Beats for i in *.xml; do # Run xmlformat with the nifty config file xmlformat -f /path/to/xmlformat-fdp.conf $i > tmpfile; mv tmpfile $i; done
4. Remove the <?xml>, <DOCTYPE>, <article />, and <articleinfo /> contents from each file.
5. Run xmldiff to get a diff; do not use -p (default) as the colored output is icky when piped to a file.
cd release-notes/xmlbeats/Beats mkdir ../diffs for i in *.xml; do # Get a mirror of the file name without extension echo $i | sed 's/.xml//' > tmpname; # Format "oldfile newfile" # oldfile == XML in CVS # newfile == XML from Wiki xmldiff -u ../../`cat tmpname`-en.xml $i > ../diffs/`cat tmpname`.diff; done
--- NEW FILE to-do-fc5-errata-notes.txt ---
1. Update parent XML to call all beats in a flat namespace to match the wiki Docs/Beats page. DONE
2. Add top-level sn-BeatName ID attributes for each file.
3. Fix all admonition tables - fix table, or - make a proper admonition
4. Fix missing version number:
grep "Core " *xml grep "Core ." *xml
5. Search all <screen> tags and fix the line breaks; may require injection of fresh content - look for solo-list elements surrounding <screen> grep -B2 "<screen>" *.xml | grep listitem
6. Look for unnecessary linebreaks around <code/>, it is being treated as a block. Is this from xmlformat or the wiki output?
7. Watch for over sub-sectioning - have to build to notice?
8. When done, grep all XML files for: grep "code> ," *xml grep "code> ." *xml grep "Core " *xml grep "Core ." *xml grep "Core ," *xml
## non-essential
8. Figure out how to have a @@RELNAME@@ variable.
9. Add in the release name?
?. Add call to every file to ../locale-entities.xml - scriptable NOT NEEDED
X. Update .pot file? AUTOMATIC
## to-do -- Clean-up for the Wiki
1. Change all titles to not follow format of Docs/Beats/BeatName
2. Flatten the sub-sections a bit, where needed, avoiding orphaned sections
--- NEW FILE to-do-fc5-gold-notes.txt ---
1. Update parent XML to call all beats in a flat namespace to match the wiki Docs/Beats page. DONE
2. Add top-level sn-BeatName ID attributes for each file. DONE
3. Fix all admonition tables - fix table, or - make a proper admonition DONE
4. Fix missing version number: DONE
grep "Core " *xml grep "Core ." *xml
5. Search all <screen> tags and fix the line breaks; may require injection of fresh content DONE - look for solo-list elements surrounding <screen> grep -B2 "<screen>" *.xml | grep listitem
6. Watch for over sub-sectioning - have to build to notice?
7. Figure out how to have a @@RELNAME@@ variable.
8. Add in in the release name.
?. Add call to every file to ../locale-entities.xml - scriptable NOT NEEDED
X. Update .pot file? AUTOMATIC
Clean-up for the Wiki
1. Change all titles to not follow format of Docs/Beats/BeatName
2. Flatten the sub-sections a bit, where needed, avoiding orphandd sections
--- NEW FILE wikixml2fdpxml --- #!/bin/bash # # This file can be completely replaced with a better tool written in # $LANGUAGE of someone's choice # # Original shell script - 29-Jan-2005 #
# Manually rename some files to include their wiki namespace #echo "Renaming Wiki files." #mv Beats/PPC.xml Beats/ArchSpecificPPC.xml #mv Beats/x86_64.xml Beats/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml #mv Beats/x86.xml Beats/ArchSpecificx86.xml #mv Beats/GCC.xml Beats/DevelToolsGCC.xml #mv Beats/SELinux.xml Beats/SecuritySELinux.xml #echo "Finished renaming files."
# Fix the DocType header from bad Wiki output #ls Beats/ > xmlfiles #for i in `cat xmlfiles`; #do # sed s'/DocBook V4.4/DocBook XML V4.4/g' Beats/$i > tmpfile; # mv tmpfile Beats/$i; # echo "DOCTYPE header fixed for" $i #done #rm xmlfiles #echo "Done"
# Add the base language extension to the files #ls Beats/ > xmlfiles #for i in `cat xmlfiles`; # do # echo $i | sed 's/.xml/-en.xml/g' > newfilename; # mv Beats/$i Beats/`cat newfilename`; #done #rm xmlfiles newfilename #echo "done"
# Right here is where we want to call perl-fu or python-fu # to follow this pseudo-code # # for each(<section>); # do # get(contents of <title></title>) == $title; # replace(" " with "-") == $idattrib; # insert($idattrib) -> <section id="$idattrib">; # done
# We need to convert the targets of XREFs somehow
# This script uses the FDP implementation of xmldiff # found in cvs.fedora:/cvs/docs/docs-common/bin/ # # This script expects to be run in-place in # the release-notes/xmlbeats module, as the paths # are relative to that point # # $Id: # # First version 2006-01-04 -- 0.1
# Variables #XMLDIFF="../../docs-common/bin/xmldiff" #XMLDIFF_OPTIONS="-p" # colored unified diff #BEATPATH="./Beats" #DBPATH=".." #FILEEXT="*xml"
# Actions # Run xmldiff against the beat and canonical XML
# Move the XML to the build directory # mv Beats/*.xml ../
# Fix section names for the top-level for i in `ls *.xml`; do echo $i | sed 's/.xml//' > snID; echo "Section name sn-"`cat snID`" for "`echo $i`; sed 's/ </articleinfo>\n <section>/ </articleinfo> <section id="`cat snID`">/' $i > tmpfile; mv tmpfile $i; echo $i" has a new section id"; done
--- NEW FILE xmlbeats --- #!/bin/sh
WIKIURL="" CONVERTERURL="" PAGES="`cat beatlist`"
rm -rf Beats mkdir -p Beats
for PAGEBASE in $PAGES; do PAGENAME="Docs/Beats/${PAGEBASE}" PAGEENCODED="`echo "$PAGENAME" | sed 's///%2F/g' | sed 's/:/%3A/g'`" PAGEOUT="Beats/`echo "${PAGEBASE}" | sed "s////g"`.xml" echo -en ""${PAGENAME}" => "${PAGEOUT}"..." wget -q "${CONVERTERURL}?submit=submit&url=${WIKIURL}${PAGEENCODED}%3Faction=raw" -O "${PAGEOUT}" sed -i 's/DocBook V4.4/DocBook XML V4.4/g' "${PAGEOUT}" xmlformat -f ../../docs-common/bin/xmlformat-fdp.conf $i > tmpfile mv tmpfile $i echo -en " done.\n" done
--- NEW FILE xmlfix --- #!/bin/bash # # Take the output files from the "beatconvert" script and make them # palatable for updating CVS. #
print_usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [<beatdir>] [<docs-common-dir>]" echo " <beatdir>: folder containing conversions of Beats (default $PWD)" echo " <docs-common-dir>: location of docs-common module" }
case $1 in -h|--help ) print_usage && exit 0 ;; * ) ;; esac
[ $# -lt 2 ] && COMMON="../../../docs-common" || COMMON="$2" if [ ! -d "$COMMON" ]; then echo "$COMMON is not the docs-common you're looking for." exit 1 fi
XMLFORMAT="${COMMON}/bin/xmlformat" XMLFORMATCONF="${COMMON}/bin/xmlformat-fdp.conf"
[ -f "$XMLFORMAT" ] || ( echo "No xmlformat found" && exit 1 ) [ -f "$XMLFORMATCONF" ] || (echo "No xmlformat-fdp.conf found" && exit 1 )
mkdir -p Fixed/ || ( echo "Couldn't make a directory here" && exit 1 )
for i in $BEATDIR/*; do OUTXML="$(basename "$i").xml" eval "$XMLFORMAT -f $XMLFORMATCONF ${i} > $OUTXML" sed -i 's@<(/)?article>@<\1section>@' $OUTXML sed -i 's@<!DOCTYPE article@<!DOCTYPE section@' $OUTXML
# Yes this is hacky. So sue me. sed -i "s@^<section@<section id="sn-${i}"@" $OUTXML NEWTITLE=$(grep 'RAW HTML:' $OUTXML | sed 's@.+<h2>([^<]+).+@\1@') sed -i "s@^ <title>.+@ <title>${NEWTITLE}</title>@" $OUTXML done