Hi Matthew,

please don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we have money to spare. I've not asked for a single penny out of any Fedora budget and yet I've been presenting dotnet-on-Fedora at 4 or more conferences. I always fund myself, from swag to travel and accommodation. The point with those randomly generated numbers I tried to make, is that being more inclusive and having that one valuable contributor there once a year, who is not okay with sharing a room, is worth the 0.18%[1] of the EMEA Ambassodrs budget. Better than having them run away and stop contributing all together.

I would really like to talk about possible solutions though, instead of enforcing room sharing as a rule of thumb. For example Ambassadors could fund only the amount for the shared room, and the remainder could go from the Diversity budget. This type of situation won't happen more than once or twice a year, so I think that there is a solution hiding somewhere.

[1] This is accurate number for the duration of FOSDEM for the difference between single room or shared room, taking 2016 total EMEA Amb. budget:
* Two people in a shared room = $234 / 2 = $117 ea.
* One person in the same room = $200
* Difference = $200 - $117 = $83
* EMEA Ambassadors FY17 planned budget: $35,750
* $83 / 35,750 = 0.00232 = 0.23% (this number is behind the previously used word "irrelevant")


Radka Janeková
.NET & OpenShift Engineer, Red Hat
IRC: radka | Freenode: Rhea

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 7:59 PM, Matthew Miller <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 11:37:47AM +0100, Radka Janekova wrote:> On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Zacharias Mitzelos <mitzie@mitzelos.com>
> Yes, we have to use it wisely, but this problem is not about money, I know
> very well what kind of budgets flow through Fedora and RedHat. Comparably
> the 70$ difference on a solo room instead of a shared one is irrelevant.
> It's irrelevant whether it's 500$ for the contributor which we happily
> approve, or 570$ with a single room.

I'm not sure on the math there, but Fedora really does have limited
resources. The difference is definitely not irrelevant. Our sponsor may
have a lot of revenue, but the money *Fedora* has to spend on travel is
a tiny percent of a percent of a percent of that.

Saving money is important. It's awesome when people feel comfortable
sharing a room to keep expenses low.

But, encouraging diversity and making our contributors feel comfortable
and welcome is *also* important. I think it's a good use of our
resources, even though they are limited.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
Fedora Diversity Team mailing list -- diversity@lists.fedoraproject.org
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