This is a not that python-pep8 is dead upstream and changed to python-pycodestyle.
We want to get rid of python-pep8:
Please migrate your package away from python-pep8 / python-pytest-pep8 to python-pycodestyle / python-pytest-pycodestyle (*).
(*) python-pytest-pycodestyle needs to be packaged, I can do that if there is a demand
Maintainers by package: buildstream bochecha imgbased dougsland fabiand sbonazzo yuvalturg pylast peter python-autobahn jujens python-cliapp salimma python-dictdiffer jkim jmontleon python-f5-icontrol-rest xavierb python-flake8-polyfill cottsay python-keystoneauth1 alphacc apevec pabelanger python-mwclient adamwill rdieter tuxbrewr python-natsort immanetize jamatos python-pydocstyle tadej python-pytest-pep8 cstratak orion python-ryu abregman apevec python-shortuuid pbrobinson python-stem jorti python-terminaltables terjeros python-txaio jujens python-utils churchyard spyder nonamedotc thozza
Packages by maintainer: abregman python-ryu adamwill python-mwclient alphacc python-keystoneauth1 apevec python-keystoneauth1 python-ryu bochecha buildstream churchyard python-utils cottsay python-flake8-polyfill cstratak python-pytest-pep8 dougsland imgbased fabiand imgbased immanetize python-natsort jamatos python-natsort jkim python-dictdiffer jmontleon python-dictdiffer jorti python-stem jujens python-autobahn python-txaio nonamedotc spyder orion python-pytest-pep8 pabelanger python-keystoneauth1 pbrobinson python-shortuuid peter pylast rdieter python-mwclient salimma python-cliapp sbonazzo imgbased tadej python-pydocstyle terjeros python-terminaltables thozza spyder tuxbrewr python-mwclient xavierb python-f5-icontrol-rest yuvalturg imgbased
On 26. 06. 19 13:12, Miro Hrončok wrote:
This is a not that python-pep8 is dead upstream and changed to python-pycodestyle.
We want to get rid of python-pep8:
Please migrate your package away from python-pep8 / python-pytest-pep8 to python-pycodestyle / python-pytest-pycodestyle (*).
(*) python-pytest-pycodestyle needs to be packaged, I can do that if there is a demand
Here's an example commit that simply drops all linting:
Dne 26. 06. 19 v 13:23 Miro Hrončok napsal(a):
On 26. 06. 19 13:12, Miro Hrončok wrote:
This is a not that python-pep8 is dead upstream and changed to python-pycodestyle.
We want to get rid of python-pep8:
Please migrate your package away from python-pep8 / python-pytest-pep8 to python-pycodestyle / python-pytest-pycodestyle (*).
(*) python-pytest-pycodestyle needs to be packaged, I can do that if there is a demand
Here's an example commit that simply drops all linting:
I agree with the "# Stop linting code in %%check and measuring coverage, this is upstream's business" reasoning. Shouldn't we mention that somewhere in guidelines?
On 26. 06. 19 14:03, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 26. 06. 19 v 13:23 Miro Hrončok napsal(a):
On 26. 06. 19 13:12, Miro Hrončok wrote:
This is a not that python-pep8 is dead upstream and changed to python-pycodestyle.
We want to get rid of python-pep8:
Please migrate your package away from python-pep8 / python-pytest-pep8 to python-pycodestyle / python-pytest-pycodestyle (*).
(*) python-pytest-pycodestyle needs to be packaged, I can do that if there is a demand
Here's an example commit that simply drops all linting:
I agree with the "# Stop linting code in %%check and measuring coverage, this is upstream's business" reasoning. Shouldn't we mention that somewhere in guidelines?
Arguably, we should.
On Wednesday, 26 June 2019 13.03.44 WEST Vít Ondruch wrote:
I agree with the "# Stop linting code in %%check and measuring coverage, this is upstream's business" reasoning. Shouldn't we mention that somewhere in guidelines?
The funny part is that this consideration applies to more than just python. In this case I am thinking as an example in R packages that suffer from the same malady. :-)
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 3:06 PM José Abílio Matos wrote:
On Wednesday, 26 June 2019 13.03.44 WEST Vít Ondruch wrote:
I agree with the "# Stop linting code in %%check and measuring coverage, this is upstream's business" reasoning. Shouldn't we mention that somewhere in guidelines?
The funny part is that this consideration applies to more than just python. In this case I am thinking as an example in R packages that suffer from the same malady. :-)
Well, if the linter brings actual value (shellcheck for example does) and maintainers use that to locally patch whatever fails linting and sends the patches upstream bragging that this was First discovered in Rawhide because we have the latest release of the linter, I see no problem with that :p