I've been having problems burning ISOs for FC4 test 2 and test 3. If I download ISOs to Windows XP and then used Nero 6 to burn the CDs/DVDs, they failed the integrity check when booted up. If, on the other hand, I boot into Linux (SuSE 9.1 in this instance) and run K3b as root (kdesu k3b) I can burn the exact same ISO images to blank media using the exact same hardware and the new CD/DVD will successfully pass its integrity check. As stated I downloaded the DVD ISO on WinXP using Firefox. When the first burn failed I rebooted into SuSE 9.1, mounted the Windows file system to get to the ISO and burned a second successful copy.

I'm currently installing FC4 test 3 using the good DVD. So far so good. DVD installation is so superior to the CD installation shuffle. It's worth the time to download or buy the DVD.

Well, it just finished successfully installing. That's the fastest I've ever dropped a Linux on any box, regardless of distribution, and it's as fast if not faster than Windows. FC4t3 seems a lot snappier when booting and logging in as well. Gnome seems cleaner, but I'm still going to switch over to KDE once I've got other items reconfigured. Overall this is a very good beginning for Fedcora Core 4.