On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 6:30 PM Josef Skladanka <jskladan@redhat.com> wrote:

We'd like to announce public testing of the Packager Dashboard - a new
service for Fedora package maintainers aiming to provide all relevant
data: FTBFS/FTI status (from both Bugzilla, Koschei and health check),
orphan warnings, bugzillas, pull requests, active overrides and
updates - at a single place in an easy to read and filter way.

The Dashboard is now available: https://packager.fedorainfracloud.org/

Josef, Lukas, Frantisek,
congratulations on launching this publicly! It looks polished and it will be hopefully very useful to package maintainers. Great job! I expect you'll get a long stream of feature requests in the upcoming days, though, as always :-)